kingsmarch treasury using up all of my gold when the game not active/shut down

why does the kingsmarch treasury keep running/using up the stored gold when the game isnt even running/active on the pc?
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 8:50:39 PM
Because some of your workers may be doing some tasks like mining or smelting some ores or farming. If there is gold in the treasury then they will use it if they have jobs to do. If you don't want them to consume the gold you can withdraw it too. Hope this helps! <3
nice "benefit" when it keeps running after you log out and close down the game
nice "benefit" when it keeps running after you log out and close down the game

You can take the money out of the treasury to stop them from working when you don't want them to. Or remove workers.
Thanks for all the fish!
AintCare#6513 wrote:
probably the worst thing that happened to poe.

That's a bit of an overreaction. Nothing forces you to even put gold in the treasury. The game takes nothing from your inventory.
AintCare#6513 wrote:
those are passive benefits that run in real time and need regular user login/attention. it's a mobile game mechanic. probably the worst thing that happened to poe.

when the league first started and i got heavily invested with the league, i felt this mechanic was the best in poe1's history.

later onwards i felt that it heavily preyed on FOMO tendencies. a few months back i would disagree on you for this. but today i would agree with this statement 100%.

its quite ironic that a mechanic that rewards players for spending time in the game to be met with heavy backlash but here we are.

i really dont want to feel like i m "losing out" for not playing the game every waking moment.
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