Game is very promising but... (my opinion )
I've been playing path of exile since abyss league and played every season since that, and here's my issue with poe 2 so far..
First of all the game is fun until you get to endgame, i have 3 character level 90 + (witch, sorc and merc) campaign was really fun the second time with more mouvement speed and leveling gear bought from my higher level character my issue with the game is with the endgame, (Mana issue) first of all i feel like whatever build you play you need to use inspiration support on your main skill mana is an issue on longer boss and the fact that max level mana potion and healing potion does literally nothing. (Survivability issue) Defensive layer feel ultra weak, i know its been said before but even with 85% max res , chaos res capped , and 10k life pool with MOM (5k life 5k mana) i still die in 0.2 secondes on micro stun (even with high stun threshold you cant be stun immune) i would love if we could get a death log to see what kind of damage killed us. (Leveling and atlas) i am level 93 (attribute stacking) atm and around 200 div investment (not saying i am the most skilled player) but i feel like most my death are from badly telegraphed on death effect or on death effect on map with lots of ground clutter and cant get out (playing melee). the random death + xp penalty make it hard to gain more level, i only get decent exp from corrupted t16 map in irradiated and corrupted area and they are hard to come by, like 1 map every 10 map and if by bad luck i die in that map i lose all content and 1 hours worth of exp, it can be very frustrating. (Atlas and map layout) Also from a gameplay perspective some map layout are just horrible for melee ( Augury, Decay, Blooming field, willow ect..) i am getting stuck everywhere, it was much less of an issue on my sorc and witch. but in a map like blooming field with a delirium mirror you can't see anything on the ground and get stuck everywhere. Some layout are not hard but just way slower than other, like mire, where you have to backtrack 5min to finish all the rare (citadel) I know its RNG, but i've ran over 500 maps and only got 2 citadel (Aura) Apart from herald and cast on X all aura feel weak (crafting) I am a big time crafter in poe 1 and crafting in poe 2 is just rng, essence feel bad and omen for more deterministic crafting are way too expensive to use on non mirror tier item. i agree that crafting in poe 1 got out of hand but a crafting bench to help cap resist would be amazing Tl:DR SOme issue with the endgame but overall i enjoy the game very much and it will be amazing when it officially release, its only my opinion :) Keep up with the good work ! Last bumped on Jan 11, 2025, 11:20:41 PM
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