Endgame is unplayable for casual players
I am over 45, with two children. I play regularly for fun and slow progression. I still always max out my characters.
After one week trying to progress on the Atlas Map, I came to the conclusion, if you are not a professional, there is no way for a casual player to progress. Death is extremely punitive: * Reset map * Remove perks of the map * Loss of Waystone * Loss of experience (you literally regress) also * Gear inferior to Cruel Act 3 Unlimited unplayable endgame is worse than no endgame. I would also quote Raxxanterax, that last points of Ascensions are almost impossible to get. I would have liked to know before starting PoE2. Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 4:34:10 AM
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I am so with you on this and I am facing the same. I have just taken a break until things getter better and balanced as I just can play an hour a day max. And with dying resets the map, and sometimes dying randomly and things being so difficult that progressing for us casual players is just too difficult, i feel like this game was made only for hardcore gamers and not for casual ones.
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" Endgame difficulty is fine , but maybe they should tone down the fact you have to juice to the max MF through multiple aspects : gear/waystone/tablets/atlas/... not doing so and mapping is indeed a waste of time . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25976591 ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3705057 |
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casual doesnt mean you have to be bad at the game. Those are two separate things. You can play poe 1 standard for 0/10 difficulty game.
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diablo 4 loves you, and he wants ya
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020 |
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" POE2 did manage to be more enjoyable than D4; but that's not saying much for me. That's a really low bar. Thanks for all the fish!
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" I think the Arbiter was my last straw. I prefer to experience fights without checking videos, which enhances the excitement of it for me. It took me like 3 weeks to find all 3 citadels. Got into the Arbiter fight and the circle stage came up where I managed to get to the first circle, but didn't realize there was another circle after that I needed to get to. Since everything in this game is slow, I realized there was a 2nd circle much too late. One shot dead. Now I'm weeks away from trying again. No thanks. I don't particularly enjoy the game and I can't do it. I logged back into POE1 this morning and instantly had fun again. Life is too short to spend it on something that isn't enjoyable. Thanks for all the fish!
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Were you able to finish the main storyline with all 12 Acts? I have a friend that is wanting to do that now before he starts POE2.
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thank god im 43 so this doesnt apply to me.
" fair. that does sound like a totally shit experience. messing around aside they do need to sort out this situation with bosses etc. it really feels like they threw some of these aspects together at short notice, a lot of lessons learned in poe1 regarding boss access dont seem to have been considered. i havent even bothered hunting down the bosses yet, ive seen how it works, people doing it and my impression is that it probably needs a fair bit of redesigning. that sounds awful as a game mechanic. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :) Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Jan 12, 2025, 10:15:25 AM
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" I tried, but there were so many hype bots, flesh or otherwise, it fell on deaf ears. You make a video with some concerns, 90% thumbs down defspite 60+% watch time. I listed all of the things I saw that I thought would be annoying or not fun and concluded the game would push in any average persons shit without great reward. I was flamed and ridiculed. Yet it all came true. JUST LMAO I saw 100% of what was coming brother. That's ggg and how they think. I was still hoping it would go in a better direction after release, but with the nerfs and how things treated so far, there isn't a chance of fun returning I don't think. Look they nerfed quins IDEA for a build the day before the game came out. What a bunch of insecure devs, they don't feel confident in the content in the game if they feel like you pre-solve anything. It's not about skill man, as a HC and gauntlet enjoyer I'm out here rooting for GGG to listen to the SC community for a change. There needs to be a "base" game. Mana's awful, checkpoints bad, rolling bad, pausing in an ACTION rpg bad, BAD. YO GGG. BAD. Last Epoch is empty, and has all of these elements. Crafting got worse, back to 2016 crafting, actually worse. Just regression. HELLO! Where is the game? WASD without camera controls. Some innovation! Dismal and cheap. I was not inspired to purchase. I will not play it for free. Last edited by benzman9001#5398 on Jan 12, 2025, 11:16:18 AM
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