Improvements on Stash Tabs

Stash Tabs at the moment are very static. The whole stash window/ui looks very outdated. Some QOL functionality would also be very nice for the stash.

Lets start with the UI:

- The tab on the right side is weird. It does not fit into the rest of the stash. Its if you use Windows 98 for some parts and windows 10 for other parts. They just dont fit together. It works, but its not looking good.

- The Tabs on the Top are to big. If you use them to navigate or move stash positions its a lot of right and left. Just making them smaller would fix that issue. There are a lot of Tabs you can add to the stash and navigating is sometimes annoying.

- Why cant we open 2 stash windows at the same time to move things from one to another without navigating between each stash. Just let us open one, then the other and move things. Or having guild stash open at the same time as your personal stash. Right now you always have to put things into you inventory and then into guild stash.

- In general the whole stash is to big. Im talking from a PC players Perspective. Pc Players dont need things big. We are not sitting 2-3 Meters away from the screen. Just make things smaller in the stash. Icons, Border etc.

Now about functionality

Some stuff upfront. I do think the stash needs a lot of QOL features that are missing. Its simply my own perspective of what I think is necessary for a good stash experience, we are using the stash a lot in the end and cutting a bit of time using it would actually be amazing.

- Lets start light. Why we cant disenchant, salvage or sell items directly from the stash. You always have to move them into your inventory move some steps to do those things. I takes only a couple seconds to do that, but these times add up and are unnecessary. Its not like it requires any special effort to do it. Players are specifically moving those things very close to the stash to do it fast. And those functions are not a special experience in any way.

Especially clearing up some stash tabs that are getting full takes a long time because space limitation in your inventory.

- Customization of the Stash. We are very limited with what customization we can do in the stash. We can change names, colours and create some folders to move stash tabs into.
Especially for the specialised tabs I would like to have some customization options. Changing the order of items. For example moving exalted to the first place in the currency tab. Or divines to the last place, simply changing the order of the items. Same for all other special tabs.

Thinking this a few steps further would be to allow the players to design their own specialised tabs. You buy a blank new specialised tab and designate that to lets say catalysts and runes. You can change the order of items, allignment of items etc. and then when you automatically move things into the stash, they got sorted automatically. Having this option as a palyer would mena that GGG does not have to make new specialised tabs, the Players can do it themself. I udnerstand that this has to be well thought through and needs a lot of work. there are multiple different versions of specialised tabs, but i think its worth it. For the Players and for GGG.

- More options for automatic sorting. At the moment you only really have sorting options for all the specialised Tabs, but new sorting options for Equipment would save some time. You just dedicate a stash to lets say wands or scepters or foci etc. and then when you open the stash put everything in there, turn around and back to maps. After some maps you do have to check your item, when you stash is full.

Which brings me to the next point.

- Scrolls of wisdom use inside stash. Why we cant use a scroll of wisdom without clicking on it first. Its a completely worthless item. Just give us the ability to identify items in the stash without a scroll of wisdom it just removes 25 gold and your done. That would also mean doryani identify is still better. It does not cost gold.
Scrolls of wisdom are nice if you wanna identify items on the fly, but thats it.

(Sidenote here the whole point of scrolls of wisdom is not something i understand. Having to identify regular items is a trivial manner. I could understand if you are excited to identify rare uniques. But taht we have to identify basically everything in the game feels pointless to me.)

- Automatic sorting in stash. What I mean with that is that you have a button that moves items inside the stash around to create more space. Just athought of myself. Would be nice to have, but isnt really important for me.

- Automatically moving items into guild stash. Right now you have to move items into your inventory and then over into the guild stash. So just dedicating a shortcut for that wouldnt be so bad.
The guild leader could dedicate a tab where everything new arrives and can be sorted later.
Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Jan 15, 2025, 7:57:38 PM
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 1:56:37 PM
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