GGG's explaination needed on Meta Gem's sockets can no longer gain energy

Hello GGG,

May you please explain this element in the patch notes please ?

Skills socketed in a Meta Gem's sockets can no longer gain energy.

It appears to be in contradiction with the following mod :

Meta Skills gain #% increased Energy

May you please clarify the real impact please ?

Thank you,

Last bumped on Jan 17, 2025, 8:44:59 PM
With your Meta gem, lets say Cast on Critical, you socket one or more Spell Skill gems.

Then whenever you crit with skills not socketed in the Cast on Critical gem, you get energy. Once 100% energy is reached, each spell skill socketed in Cast on Critical is triggered.

Before that change, spells socketed in Cast on Critical would also grant energy. Therefor opening up the possibility for an endless loop where your triggered spells trigger themself again and again.

"Meta Skills gain #% increased Energy" still applies. But just not to the socketed spells.
Last edited by Avaricta#4758 on Jan 16, 2025, 2:28:05 AM
Triggered spells can no longer gain Energy .
Meta Skills build x% more Energy .

They actually managed to nerf Trigger spells even further below the ground , that's impressive lmao
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 16, 2025, 2:31:17 AM
This is just a big sad. GGG are basically just nerfing every cool interaction that poe2 offered until we just get back to the exact same laws of physics that we had in poe1... So why even bother making poe2 then?

Just waiting for the next patch where herald chaining/mob explosion chains are removed and then we're right back to square 1, except with a worse endgame and slower movement. 👍
I would love to know why cast on gems were put into the game at all? They are mostly garbage.
I would love to know why cast on gems were put into the game at all? They are mostly garbage.

Half the Monk Spirit Skills are uber-trash , nerfing trigger skills after the comet debacle was okay ... but nerfing as hard the Monk trigger skills that cannot even trigger was totally uncalled for . Even before the Power System update those skills were trash .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Thats the plan, they sayd that poe2 was a slower game than poe1. so they nerfing the uber damage for a slower more deliberate playstyle is apropriate. Thats why they didnt stop suporting poe1. If people want to zoom through maps and blast everything they have poe1
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Triggered spells can no longer gain Energy .
Meta Skills build x% more Energy .

They actually managed to nerf Trigger spells even further below the ground , that's impressive lmao

yea it was needed, there are trigger builds out there that deal like 50 mil damage per second and crash the servers
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
auspexa#1404 wrote:
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Triggered spells can no longer gain Energy .
Meta Skills build x% more Energy .

They actually managed to nerf Trigger spells even further below the ground , that's impressive lmao

yea it was needed, there are trigger builds out there that deal like 50 mil damage per second and crash the servers

If that´s the case, an appropiate nerf would be targeting that specific problem, for example adding a slight CD blocking it to be triggered a ridiculous amount of times per second by some skill combinations, not straight up taking a mechanic away like they did here so even the combinations and builds that wasnt op are also disabled.

It seem to me they are just cluelessely throwing nerf hammers around.

This is just one example, but often when they nerf things in po2, when something are op, instead of targeting that specific problem, they either remove or nerf it to the point it just disables a lot of mechanics and builds. Basically taking the fun and narrowing down the already small builds diversity that currently exists.
Last edited by ScandiDiver#0604 on Jan 17, 2025, 5:08:22 AM
Frankly, using the triggered skill to trigger itself was a ridiculous redundancy.

They only things that should be able to work without your continued input are auras and buffs.
Certainly not cast ons.
No afk cast on builds. Good.
You shouldn't be using a triggered fireball to trigger fireball. You should be using an active Incinerate to trigger Firestorm.

Really I think the cast on skills are less for direct casters, who may as well just active cast the skill, and more for either focused builds like Incinerate or melee builds ala those Witches running around with hammers.

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