Uniques are supposed to be build enabling intead of best in slot.....

Can someone explain to me what build is supposed to make use of Veil of Night helm? The 50% health increase is good but it makes your resistances zero which simply makes your defenses much worse. I expected a change to it in this patch but I didn't see it in the patch notes. Makes no sense.
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 5:52:17 AM
Can someone explain to me what build is supposed to make use of Veil of Night helm? The 50% health increase is good but it makes your resistances zero which simply makes your defenses much worse. I expected a change to it in this patch but I didn't see it in the patch notes. Makes no sense.

There are a few ways to convert elemental damage to physical...a couple uniques. I'm gunna assume there will be more ways later with more uniques and classes maybe?
Uniques in this game can have very specific use cases, much like cards in Magic the gathering.... just because a card exists doesn't mean it is applicable to any deck archetype you're looking to play.

To specifically respond to your critique of Veil of the Night: what if you ran into content (deep delve in PoE1 for example) where every source of damage will 1-shot you no matter what? What good would your elemental resistances do for you in that situation? And so wearing a unique that makes your resistance 0 would effectively have no downside. The upside might not be terribly beneficial either, but the point is future content or gear combinations might enable a unique in ways that didn't exist prior. Always be looking for new ways to use something that had previously been thought of as 'trash'
muzein#2324 wrote:
Uniques in this game can have very specific use cases, much like cards in Magic the gathering.... just because a card exists doesn't mean it is applicable to any deck archetype you're looking to play.

To specifically respond to your critique of Veil of the Night: what if you ran into content (deep delve in PoE1 for example) where every source of damage will 1-shot you no matter what? What good would your elemental resistances do for you in that situation? And so wearing a unique that makes your resistance 0 would effectively have no downside. The upside might not be terribly beneficial either, but the point is future content or gear combinations might enable a unique in ways that didn't exist prior. Always be looking for new ways to use something that had previously been thought of as 'trash'

There could be a weird interaction in the future but the point is this unique is not build enabling at all right now. I don't think this is the only example either.
You're right, it (and many more) are not build-enabling right now. That's the point.

And honestly, if uniques were that good, GGG would probably nerf them until people stopped using them or make them extremely rare so that only 0.1% can afford them.

This is the way.

Last edited by muzein#2324 on Jan 16, 2025, 1:54:38 PM
muzein#2324 wrote:
You're right, it (and many more) are not build-enabling right now. That's the point.

And honestly, if uniques were that good, GGG would probably nerf them until people stopped using them or make them extremely rare so that only 0.1% can afford them.

This is the way.

Lol true
Not sure how it works exactly but if it sets all resistances to 0, including chaos resistance, there are a few ways it could be used right now.

First later on your resistances can be negative naturally, without resists on your gear etc. Obviously that isn't a good idea, but that one item could take ALL of them out of the negative and set them to 0, making you need no resists on other equipment at all.

Second there are many pieces of gear that actually LOWER resists, and if that item superseeds them, you can then use eq that lowers resists (know a few uniques do at least) without the penalty.

Third there are elemental specific defenses in certain ascensions which might make resists less important. There are also conversions that change elemental damage to other damage (although i think it's usually or always one element to another right now).

Anyway there could be some uses for it, and if it boosts max hp by 50%...that is fairly huge right now as hp boosts are fairly rare. IF you can heal 50% more as well, that is the equivalent of having 50% resists if you have 0 resists because you have that much more hp. In some builds more max hp means alot more (bloodmage for instance) and you can heal a ton fast, so 50% more max health would be huge.

Getting really high health regen is more of a pain, but using concecrated ground and other support gems you can get to well over 10% per second. 50% additional max hp could make you regen REALLy fast that way....and if you were already struggling with resists for your build (or not bothering with them because you have a huge hp pool and massive regen) then it would be a net gain.

So yeah, I'm sure there are some uses for it:)
not all uniques are supposed to be build enabling, some uniques are supposed to be best in slot, some uniques are not supposed to be either of those things.

veil of the night is an abomination. im not sure if its a supporter unique? i dunno what the idea was, if there was an idea, i dunno why it is in poe2 if its being included hoping people finally crack the code on why this is a good item or if its simply there to continue the trolling.

we may never know.

sometimes an unique might simply be a joke.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
wolfy42#4073 wrote:


Anyway there could be some uses for it, and if it boosts max hp by 50%...that is fairly huge right now as hp boosts are fairly rare. IF you can heal 50% more as well, that is the equivalent of having 50% resists if you have 0 resists because you have that much more hp. In some builds more max hp means alot more (bloodmage for instance) and you can heal a ton fast, so 50% more max health would be huge.

Getting really high health regen is more of a pain, but using concecrated ground and other support gems you can get to well over 10% per second. 50% additional max hp could make you regen REALLy fast that way....and if you were already struggling with resists for your build (or not bothering with them because you have a huge hp pool and massive regen) then it would be a net gain.

So yeah, I'm sure there are some uses for it:)

thats NOT how all this works ...

having 0 resist instead of expected 75% means you are taking FOUR TIMES the damage ...

100 damage hit at 75% resist is 25 damage instead of 100 at 0 resist ...

for this item to be net positive it would have to be 150% or more not measly 50%

whats worse this item is 50% INCREASED not MORE meaning its 50% increase of BASE life
Last edited by Asghaad#3967 on Jan 16, 2025, 4:38:38 PM
wolfy42#4073 wrote:
Anyway there could be some uses for it, and if it boosts max hp by 50%...that is fairly huge right now as hp boosts are fairly rare. IF you can heal 50% more as well, that is the equivalent of having 50% resists if you have 0 resists because you have that much more hp. In some builds more max hp means alot more (bloodmage for instance) and you can heal a ton fast, so 50% more max health would be huge.

Nope. It doesn't work like that. 0 resist vs 75 resist is 300% more damage taken. 50% increased hp is just that. It's not even "more" multiplier. If we had increased % on tree, the unique would be pathetically bad.

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