Arbiter of ash

First impression/attempt. This fight is just bad right now. I watched some videos before attempting the boss. I kind of knew what to expect. I didn't find it hard. The problem is the arbiter does attacks off screen. I'm supposed to react to these rings that appear but I can't even see them until its too late. Just reaching the rings doesn't feel possible sometimes and I have +52%ms with tailwind up lol.
The burning ground/chilled ground mechanic is confusing. Its hard to notice the burning effect. I didn't see a debuff icon. I wasn't losing life. My flasks just didn't work but It consumed charges I think. One attempt I couldn't find an orb to change the ground from burning to chilled.
Some of his moves aren't telegraphed well enough. Overlapping attacks leading to what feels like unavoidable deaths. It felt like he kept going invulnerable as well.
Just felt turn based dodge 1 shot then you attack repeat.

Ok I'm done. Keep up the great work. Love the rest of the game.

Etched in blood
When you strive to write your name on the dense pages of History, someone else, inevitably, must be crossed out.
Last bumped on Feb 7, 2025, 4:33:40 AM
I also fought him for the first time yesterday. I went into the fight raw for the first 4 attempts, then watched a video and still was frustrated.

I agree with all of the above, it's frustrating when some of the fire orbs are off screen. I guess GGG wants you to memorize the dash pattern but it's not telegraphed enough to determine when it is happening.

Ill add, I could not see the openings for the one shot fire wave attacks well enough. My eyes were straining to see it (my eyesight is good). They need to make it more clear.

Otherwise yes, excellent game.
the best of him is his oneshot from off screen meteors ;/

the game tells you fk your 2,5 divine
IGN: UgaBugaMajkaFaja
Last edited by dynia6666#0969 on Jan 18, 2025, 3:18:33 PM
James510#1939 wrote:
First impression/attempt. This fight is just bad right now. I watched some videos before attempting the boss. I kind of knew what to expect. I didn't find it hard. The problem is the arbiter does attacks off screen. I'm supposed to react to these rings that appear but I can't even see them until its too late. Just reaching the rings doesn't feel possible sometimes and I have +52%ms with tailwind up lol.
The burning ground/chilled ground mechanic is confusing. Its hard to notice the burning effect. I didn't see a debuff icon. I wasn't losing life. My flasks just didn't work but It consumed charges I think. One attempt I couldn't find an orb to change the ground from burning to chilled.
Some of his moves aren't telegraphed well enough. Overlapping attacks leading to what feels like unavoidable deaths. It felt like he kept going invulnerable as well.
Just felt turn based dodge 1 shot then you attack repeat.

Ok I'm done. Keep up the great work. Love the rest of the game.


Oh man, I thought I just didn't have enough move speed at 27.1%. I already fought the guy once and killed it. So I just did another attempt twice after spending time farming these citadels that are far away from each other, with +1 difficulty, damn I always die at the Falling Flame Seed not getting in the safe zone in time. I just think it is impossible to beat this guy right now.
The meteor seeds and flame paths should not one shot… they are not fair enough to warrant one shotting.
The way they are now i would allow 3 fail to kill you
Any less than that is fake difficulty just like the 1 portal maps

GGG is going off the rails
The meteor seeds and flame paths should not one shot… they are not fair enough to warrant one shotting.
The way they are now i would allow 3 fail to kill you
Any less than that is fake difficulty just like the 1 portal maps

GGG is going off the rails

Yeah, a lot of his attacks have no business being a forced one-shot. Who tf does that in a game where you need to spend time learning and understanding bosses' attack patterns and then only give you one chance to experience them and if you mess up, you straight up just die?

GGG: "Oof, you're supposed to go inside that. Aww, geez. I guess you couldn't have known that since that was your first time getting past that phase. Sure hope you figured out what the attack does, teehee. Welp, I guess you gotta go spend 100 more hours farming for another attempt then. Have fun!"

And yes, I know they made it so you get to retry the Arbiter a few more times. But my point still stands.
Regrettably, I refrain from engaging with nescient individuals who proffer fatuous commentary whilst concealing their profiles.
Last edited by dear123000#3577 on Jan 29, 2025, 9:29:29 PM
I just tried him for the first time and failed all attempts.

Twice to getting beamed while in the circle (had to read online later that he doesnt just aim at the circle, you have to bait it first.)

Twice to the hallway mechanic. Have 30% movement speed boots and still wasn't enough to keep up with the safe spots. (I really dont like that GGG acts like movement speed on boots is optional but then makes movement speed the best/only way for most builds to survive boss mechanics.)

Once to not standing in a circle that looked like i should never stand in it.

and another time to not being able to reach the 5th circle in a chain of the above mentioned circles. I just could not cross 2/3rds of the arena in time with 30% movement speed boots.

Anyone have tips for beating him without using blink?
"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Feb 6, 2025, 11:06:26 PM
For the price of the attempt, whether in divs or in hours of grinding, i don't want to try. I want to kill it.

Imo, the scarcity of ressources needed to attempt most ubers is so rough that it remove all the fun we could have trying those bosses.

Would be nice to have some kind of "fake" attempts, that don't give any loots but also don't cost anything (no exp on death & nor ressources) so we could enjoy learning the paterns instead of just go on take broken specs to oneshot it safely.

The part of those kind of games i enjoy the most is learning by myself, so for poe2, i enjoy the levelup experiences with all classes where i try to come out with quirky specs that do fun things.
Then i hit the endgame and the fun end, because from now on any new content is locked behind at least 5-6 hours of grinding, if you're lucky & efficient.

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