audience with the king question (Deferring)

So finally saw the audience with the King on a ritual and of course it starts out near 3k tribute so I deferred. I saw it in each of the next 4 maps deferring each time until I could afford it on the next ritual map. Now it will not appear again it seems. I have ran 8 more ritual maps and not a single one has had the audience with the King.
-My question is how does this work? Is it like POE 1 where it should reappear at some point and I am just getting unlucky?
-Was there some max amount of times you can defer before it goes poof?
-Should I have done something extra to make it reapper?

Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 12:06:32 AM
just unlucky I suspect

If you keep deferring it eventually gets to a stage where you aren't allowed to defer it again due to it being too cheap, that is all that happens.

In PoE1 it is fairly common without the atlas passives to do many rituals before you see a deferred item reappear, sometimes it just screws you over.
Thank you for the reply. If it is like POE 1 it would turn red IIRC and warn you before it poofed I think.
I got the price down to 1550? and I had 1540 and had to defer that one last time. So I am hoping it is just bad luck.
Well I finally got it! So I seeded a ton of Ritual maps and I believe it showed up after doing maybe a dozen or so more. So it went like this:
-Found Audience with the King and deferred at 2850 tribute
-Found audience on the next 4/5 maps and deferred down to 1280 tribute cost
-Did not find the audience for the next 12-15 maybe of ritual maps.
-Finally found it again.
If anyone is wondering.
So finally saw the audience with the King on a ritual and of course it starts out near 3k tribute so I deferred. I saw it in each of the next 4 maps deferring each time until I could afford it on the next ritual map. Now it will not appear again it seems. I have ran 8 more ritual maps and not a single one has had the audience with the King.
-My question is how does this work? Is it like POE 1 where it should reappear at some point and I am just getting unlucky?
-Was there some max amount of times you can defer before it goes poof?
-Should I have done something extra to make it reapper?


Reroll for 1000 tribute .
Sometimes an item that you deferred does not appears until you reroll .
Maybe it has to do with the map level vs item level , i dunno .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 18, 2025, 9:16:10 AM
Just got my first audience with the king to appear. Defered it one time and it didnt show on the next map. Kept running more but never showed. Is this thing bugged? This is just deflating to finally see it only for it to not show the next map.

Edit: Just fully read the defer option. It states that rare items will take longer to reappear. Audience with the king that I deferred finally reappeared but will take multiple more maps sometimes.
Last edited by Kubota#3590 on Jan 19, 2025, 12:35:45 AM

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