How Many Chance Shards Does Each Unique Disenchant Into?

Some uniques disenchant into 1 shard, or 2 shards I've found so far. Is there a list out there showing what each unique disenchants into? I'm looking for a definitive list of which ones give 2 shards, or if there are any 3+ shard uniques out there.
Last edited by Karthalin#4688 on Jan 20, 2025, 9:12:17 PM
Last bumped on Jan 21, 2025, 11:22:57 PM
Based on what I've seen, Unique items disenchant into Chance shards (not Chaos).
Thank you, I changed the title. I am not a smart exile.
If the unique has 6 or more mods, it will give you 2 shards, otherwise it will give one.
Same as with rare items. A 6 mod rare gives 2 regal shards, anything less is 1 shard always.

The below two items give 2 shards for only having 5 mods -

Saffell's Frame Emblem Crest Shield
Innsmouth Shabby Hood

For the Innsmouth Hood it has to have the evasion mod to give two shards. Meanwhile I tested two items with 5 mods (Necromantle Bone Raiment and Idle Hands Sectioned Bracers) and they gave 1 shard each, so its not 5 mods that trigger the extra shard...

I wish it was as simple as counting mods but that doesn't seem to be the case
Last edited by Karthalin#4688 on Jan 20, 2025, 10:57:07 PM
Could be uniques with a unique multi-line mod ?

For example,
Painter's Servant (3x 33% ele damage conversion) **previous version
Shackled of the Wretched (4x cannot be debuff)
Bronzebeard (3x reduced effect of debuff)

I'm not sure about
Saffell's Frame (3x resistance ??)
Updated Innsmouth Shabby Hood (evasion, reduced mana, inc. mana regen rate ??) -> hybrid ? kind of ? maybe ?

>multi-line mod
It's not exactly how it's shown (each line has "U" on alt) but you get the idea.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

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Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Jan 21, 2025, 12:01:42 AM
Heres my list of all uniques that give 2 shards -

Wylund's Stake Smithing Hammer (with strength and Fire res)
Painter's Servant Torn Gloves (all)
Saffell's Frame Emblem Crest Shield (all)
Innsmouth Shabby Hood (with evasion)
Bronzebeard Horned Crown (all)
Erian's Cobble Guarded Helm (all)
Obern's Bastion Stacked Sabatons (all)
Shackles of the Wretched Aged Cuffs (all)

I'll look at them the next time I have them in my inventory for the U.

If thats the common denominator then now I need to find a list of all multi-mod mods...

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