Gear - what to pick up

Hi all,

I would like to ask about how to pick up gear. As there is a lot of trash:

What should I focus on? For now, I am just picking up Rare, Quality and sockets items.

Are there any filtres or guide what would help me? My class is Sorc.

Thank you.
Last bumped on Jan 22, 2025, 3:28:43 AM
That's a difficult question to answer since it fully depends on what you need for your character(s) and the what game mode you play at. SSF or trade. In general, the better your equipment, the less items you might want to pick up.

As for lootfilters I would recommend neversink

This lootfilter is one of the staples in PoE for many years now. It offers different strictness files. I download all of them as a zip and modify them as needed for my needs. But in general they are good the way they are. You can choose between Soft, Regular, Semi-Strict, Strict, Very Strict, Uber Strict and Uber Plus Strict. The stricter, the less items are displayed.

You can also use them while leveling since area level is also taken into account. Early on in a new league I usually use Regular or Semi-Strict and the further I get in the game, the stricter I pick. But even then I don't pick up everything shown. At some point I hide everything I don't want to pick up. But I do this manually by modifying the file.

As for what items you should pick up depends on your situation. Since I don't sell items, I only pick up items where I could potentially get an upgrade. The better my equipment the less I pick up and therefor hide more.

If you want to sell items you might want to pick up more. But I can't tell you what since I am not experienced with what items are worth something. Maybe someone else could help you here.

For Sorc I personally would focus on rare Energy Shield bases. If you are eraly on in game and have a very bad item in a few slots you might want to pick up magic bases for these slots as well, Augment them and check if they have two useful affixes. If so maybe use a Regal Orb on it. If you hit a third useful affix you can decide if this is likely an upgrade for you if you use Exalts on it or if the affix tiers are too low for it to be an upgrade.

But like stated before, it all depends on your situation, on what stage of the game your are in and how you improve items (crafting, trading).

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