Ascendancy Trial of Sekhemas 4th

I've failed 4 times now trying to do Trial of Sekhemas for my 4th ascendancy and I just failed a 75 one where I got 40% damage reduced affliction and 30% monster damage...

I've logged 1100+ hours in POE1, I'm level 80 now and running T15 maps as a Spark Stormweaver Archmage easily. My honour resistance is capped out and I'm running with 12k honour each run and half that is depleted on the Scorpion 3rd trial boss and the rest trying to do the tedious 4th trial in my last run.

Can someone please clarify why it feels so overtuned? Thank you.
Last edited by ACEisda#2305 on Jan 22, 2025, 6:38:41 PM
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2025, 12:18:17 AM
ACEisda#2305 wrote:
There's a lot of mixed answers regarding this and it's really wasting hours of my life if somebody could help...

I've failed 4 times now trying to do Trial of Sekhemas for my 3rd ascendancy and the Djinn Barya I've been using all say "Number of trials: 4" and the area level has varied between 75-80, I just failed a 75 one where I got 40% damage reduced affliction and 30% monster damage... some people are saying you can do a level 60+ with 3 trials... yet every single one I've obtained whether through drops of trading says I won't get ascendancy points for doing these. So wtf??

I've logged 1100+ hours in POE1, I'm level 80 now and running T15 maps as a Spark Stormweaver Archmage easily. My honour resistance is capped out and I'm running with 12k honour each run and half that is depleted on the Scorpion 3rd trial boss and the rest trying to do the tedious 4th trial in my last run.

Can someone please clarify the easiest way to get my 3rd ascendancy points? Thank you.

unless your game bugged, 3 floors trial should give you 3rd ascendancy. i am 100% sure as i got mine that way.

The 4th ascendancy can be either obtained by 4 floors trial, or 10 trials chaos (but the chaos one you need 3 keys and the keys dropped randomly by last boss. i prefer the 4 floors option)
The Trial of Sekhemas is easier the more relics that give honor resist cap with increased defenses. I would trade to at least get the honor cap and find any with decent increased defenses.

The third boss does poison chaos damage so as a veteran you should know chaos resist is the go to or CI.

Merchants and sacred water are for boons the more you have the more you snowball. Avoid the rooms that path into one room these should only be as a last resort. Sacred water leakage is a trial ender in my opinion.

Good luck I believe in you!!!

Heh. Level 92 and I haven't done my 4th Ascendancy yet because I keep crashing half-way through.
I'm SSF stormweaver with probably less damage than people that trade and I was able to complete it solo and while carrying my friend with coop scaling. Admittedly, I did it when I was level 86 so if that makes a difference, then just level up a couple more levels and do it.

It can be seen as overtuned but it can also be pretty smooth sailing depending on what you got in the shop. Generally if you're stacking more shop items and lower prices, then you shouldn't really have much issues. Just be mindful of the handful of afflictions that you should never get.
Boss 3 (Scorpion) have well telegraphed attacks and it shouldn't be hard to do that with no damage taken. Search Youtube for guide videos.

Scorpion does chaos damage, so get your chaos resist up as well.

Getting some movespeed relics is recommended. Especially vs boss 4.

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