Alternative Idea to the infinite Atlas

While mapping i had an idea. I try to get it written down so its understandable.

Some words beforehand. The infinite Atlas creates some challenges. After some time it gets drastically to big and navigating it requires a lot of scrolling and you cant find anything.

My idea is that its a different form of infinite. Its not an infinitely generating landmass like Minecraft. My idea is similar to No Mans Sky infinite.

Your first Atlas map where you start is just an Island, a fairly large Island, but still an Island. At the shore there are Nodes to Travel to other Island by lets say Boat. You do have to finish those Nodes and then you can add sth. similar to a tablet into the Node and then you can travel to the next Island.

That gives us the additional capability to add Modifiers onto the Item you put into the new Island node. For example you want to create an Island that solely dedicated to Breaches. So the item has a modifier that gives for example 60% of the Nodes Breaches and one additional modifier that applies that one more breach can spawn on each map.

You are always able to travel between the Islands. To prevent it from being really confusing you would get an overview of all your islands. You are given the ability to hide certain Island and you would also be able rename each island.

Its not a very elaborate idea, but i thought i share it here.
Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Jan 25, 2025, 1:41:28 PM
Last bumped on Mar 3, 2025, 10:01:11 AM
Lets Bump this up
Agreed it shouldn't be infinite, but simply for the fact that it makes advancing seem worthless since it doesn't matter besides finding citadels.

I think it should be big, but with a possibility of reaching the edge, making you have to go in a different direction/path.

Also scrolling/zooming/navigating is an absolute pain and punishes you for progressing when you get to absurd distances which is implicit to an infinite map.
All these ideas make me think we're beating a dead horse here. Nope, still dead.
Yeah this is similar to the idea I had before of subdividing the Atlas in "regions", where completion of a region could earn some rewards.

Islands would be one way to do it too, I like it even better!

The beginning of the Atlas is a special experience and it is more enjoyable in my opinion, so I like your idea, if they found some lore to somehow make the atlas in a series of islands, or maybe alternate dimensions, and each time you begin from the center.

The way I see it you'd have two levels, so you coudl progress in one region, then zoom out, and go back to another region. So you can go after Citadels.

OR maybe each region has its own set of Citadels and any other mechanic and if you fail it you'd have to start another region for a chance to complete all citadels.

Either way I think "subdividing" the atlas in smaller regions would solve the excessive amount of scrolling and also provide a more varied experience - with like you said, per-region attributes.

You could have also an island that is all desert, or forest etc.

If it was just me we should also get Atlas point for completing one of those regions/islands.

Currently the Atlas tree progresses way too fast, it gets over quickly and then you're no longer excited about progressing the Atlas.

I wish Atlas tree was a much longer term goal.
DeF46#3887 wrote:

If it was just me we should also get Atlas point for completing one of those regions/islands.

Currently the Atlas tree progresses way too fast, it gets over quickly and then you're no longer excited about progressing the Atlas.

I wish Atlas tree was a much longer term goal.

An infinite Atlas is just way to confusing. If you wanna make it infinite, then you need to limit it to some degree or you cant really find anything anymore.

In Games like Minecraft you mostly stay in a fairly small area compared to the actual size of the map. Sometimes you venture out. For example when you search for the stronghold, but youre not constantly on the move to completely new areas. You mostly do it once to find a suitable place to build. And then stay in a range of 5000-10000 blocks.

In Path of exile you are constantly on the move and make the map bigger. If you only move in one direction which you can do, then you will find less citadels and its suboptimal for juicing maps.

You could add an item to the game that can regenerate a certain are on the map. So you dont make the whole Atlas bigger every time you do a map.

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