Economy, Flats on the ground, Lags, 10 FPS on certain maps, dying for nothing.

This game is such a piece of crap, nobalance platoons give everything onetap and it doesn't matter if the resitance is at max I still get onetap. Every time I'm in a map where I have a citadel or 10 breaches I get hit by some explosion and there's nothing around me. I've already lost so much wonder and everything that I'm fucking with this and I'm done with this game before you fix it properly I don't want to get hit by your mistakes!
And a lot of other shit, like the fact that the fuckers are running the server economy and everything is going to end, a person who starts has absolutely no chance of getting an item and nothing. You totally screwed it up and I would say that if you don't start doing something about it the game will end quickly like TL I wish you good luck and I'm screwed
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 11:46:45 AM
this is how it's supposed to work
I know that you literally just died, probably on a juicy breach map, then tried to fix your character by looking up gear which you cannot afford, and that made you create this thread.

But chill, it's a game. We all have our gripes with certain parts of it, but value your own health a bit more and keep that blood pressure low. It's going to be fine.
Last edited by staytuned2k#6008 on Jan 28, 2025, 11:47:32 AM

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