Stop divine increase
Dont get me wrong Im sitting at 80 divines but hey, new players cant get it very difficult to obtain good items because 1 divine is 317 exalts now.. cmon
GGG can you increase drop rate of divines for week or two to stabilize the market? EDIT I MEANT EXALT INFLATION OR WHATSOVER WAS NIGHT FOR ME ROTFL U SO FIRST TO HATE :D LMAO Last edited by Shabbator#8570 on Jan 28, 2025, 3:43:39 PM Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 6:53:00 AM
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Do you know how inflation works? |
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Exalts printer goes brrrrrrr
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version |
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Is divine very rare? I am in very early end-game and I got one. As I have only like 12 Ex, I am thinking it would make sense to sell it and gear up.
What do you think? |
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To fight inflation you want them to print more divines ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "Hey google what is inflation?" |
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It amazes me how none of you can't get this right : Divs are under no inflation whatsoever , that's the reason why they are so expensive in the first place . It's Exalts that suffers from (hyper)inflation .
The only way to bring the Exalt / Divs ratio down is to kill MF from (rare) gear which is multiplicative with MF from maps and make Exalts so easy to get from raw drop or trading of looted gear , and then GGG must buff the base drop chance of several currencies that are already hard to grind even right now when fully juiced farming ( Glassblower , Annulment Orbs , Divs , Chance Orb , Perfect Jeweller ) . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 28, 2025, 6:20:53 AM
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Blame GGG. A lot of people blaming RMT and bots. That is present in all games. But inflation in poe2 is purely the devs fault.
You know why currency took longer to inflate in poe? Because there was REAL crafting to take the currency back out of the system. IN poe2 there is almost nothing taking out this currency. How many chaos you using compared to poe? Trans/augs? I have used more Chaos on a stack of maps in poe1 in a single day than i have in poe2 in the entire release. Heck who all has just plain given up chaos anything because you get accuracy or lower level requirements 90 percent of the time. Even exalts. Biggest use for exalts on maps but because of cheap prefix omens and an overabundance of maps it is cheaper and more efficient to just sin/alc a bunch of white maps and not even use exalts. Rerolling blues. How many billions of currency that take out of the economy in poe1? That is the issue here stuff keeps dropping nothing is taking it back out of the economy. Divines inflating because noone actually using divines for what they do except on nearly perfect items. |
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" That is only true for the Currency Exchange. Divines suffer from obvious inflation on the trading site. The general price of an item has gone up drastically over the course of the last 2-3 weeks. Almost as if 1 divine has become the new standard for subpar or niche build items. Meta gear has skyrocketed into the 50s of divines. Endgame gear is 100s of divines. So while it's true that for example the chaos to divine ratio has remained relatively stable, this isn't true for the general cost of individual items, which is the actually important part. Just as an example for the Exchange, a Whittling has gone up from 7 to now 11 divines over the course of the last 2 weeks. Whole Exchange is adjusting to the inflation of an exalt, otherwise you could do an Arbitrage Loop and exploit the system. Which in reality you cannot. |
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" A lot of what you say makes sense , but i just think it's preferable to look at the Currency Exchange instead of the trading site due to the latter being saturated with nonsensical offers from noobs/scammers/trolls or just regular people trying to hit the jackpot with a greedy trade . If you look at Any Weapons - No Filters and order all of that from Most to Least Expensive , you will scroll down for quite sometime before you see anything "Endgame worthy" lol ... "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 28, 2025, 10:29:37 AM
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" And that is where I vehemently disagree. A divine on the Exchange only gets you another form of Currency or Fragment or whatever, but most of the time the divine is actually the worse option for trading due to negative rounding when not dealing with the exact ratio. A Perfect Jewelers Orb could cost 3 divs, while in Exalts it could only cost a relative value of 2.5 divs. That's just a random example, numbers aren't real. Just illustrating my point. Meanwhile, the trading community has adapted to post low div values (usually 1 div) now as the new standard for low quality gear (imho some items aren't even that low quality, just not high end meta) instead of 100ex, 150ex, whatever ex. That's mostly because the Exalt has been so volatile over the past few weeks. I myself do not want to currently trade in Exalts anymore because if I sell an item for 100 Exalts, that worth is probably going to be further cut in half next week. So instead of 150 exalts, I now ask for 1 divine. The item is thus overpriced and probably won't be bought by the intended target (beginners, early mappers), as it simply isn't within their budget, in terms of both buying and selling. Sellers are screwed if they're not part of huge mirror crafting guilds, buyers are screwed because divines can't be easily farmed. I hope the community changes to chaos orbs for a more stable currency for early-mid gear. That stuff at least has actual value imho. The whole system is currently completely killing people who didn't no-life and rush the meta-endgame. Last edited by staytuned2k#6008 on Jan 28, 2025, 10:42:39 AM
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