Expanding on pet skills/companion ascendancies
Hi, just wanted to submit a request feedback for more pet type/companion skills, like the Witch's doggo. to have options for other classes if it fits the theme of the character. I know ranger will be getting a mount type pet so was just wanted to ask for more ideas with having other options. Like having a pet dire wolf for a warrior type resembling Darks Souls Artorias and Sif perhaps, and you can give it a weapon to hold, and fight with lol. Idk just a thought. Thanks for your time
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 10:28:35 PM
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I would love this!!! Give us a raven for the assassin's, and it could do ranged hexes or something like that or chaos damage. And I love the idea of a wolf with a sword! ❤️ also the doggo with the witch only ignites but it would be cool if we could actually have a companion mechanic. Like the companion has their own skill tree that you could socket gems into. If you choose that ascendancy. I mean this is poe it's skill tree into skill tree, let us have some fun with our pet companions.
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