But there's nothing else to play, don't do this to me

No idea when 0.2.0 PoE2 goes with a new wipe but other than that - i'm just watching paint dry because PoE1 was literally everything that i played in the past 8~ years every 3 months for 1-2 months

I bought 5-6 steam games in the past month - nothing worth more than 10-20 hours in the end

PathOfExile - my love of the decade
PathOfExile2(waiting for fresh start)
Satisfactory - 600h and can't mentally start a new game
DSP - 300h and can't start a new game cuz i quit after
EFT - wipe cycles

This is basically what was breathing life into my gaming-me, and i can't find anything else..there's nothing

I feel...empty
Last bumped on Jan 31, 2025, 7:48:00 AM
So when PoE2 new update with new wipe?
Pick up a hobby or develop a new skill, learn a new language, study a new topic you find interesting.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
b_ko#7756 wrote:
Pick up a hobby or develop a new skill, learn a new language, study a new topic you find interesting.

I'm actually starting to learn something i've wanted a long time ago

But gaming hours are for gaming hours
Try Project Diablo 2 o Diablo 2 Resurrected
Try Project Diablo 2 o Diablo 2 Resurrected

I don't enjoy garbonzo graphics and reincarnated corspses of a games
Google Pohx, he starts a private league tomorrow. Well known streamer so there will probably be some traffic this weekend.
Have you looked into Alaloth? I haven't played it, but it looks interesting.
Also Against the Storm is very cool base-builder, I think it has a demo.
If you like party management turn based games maybe you could take a look at Wartales.

2025 looks like it's going to be an interesting year. I'm personally waiting for Band of Crusaders and Atre: Dominance Wars.
There is more to a life than video games. Just FYI. If there are no games you enjoy, try something else?
Last edited by Waiden#9514 on Jan 31, 2025, 7:49:51 AM

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