So we all know the latest news hasnt been received well and my thoughts are this:-

As someone who owns POE1 & POE2 surely it would have made sense that as POE2 is only a beta with a MASSIVE amount of issues and problems with literally ZERO to hardly anything in the ENDGAME portion of the game rather than panic'n which is what i think GGG are doing atm.

INSTEAD They should have made the video announcement the other way round and heres why just hear me out.....

So GGG have released POE2 which is been fun for the most part but lets just be honest and frank about this its a BETA its going nowhere its going to be receiving hella updates and improvements over the course of the next Year and beyond going forward..... its been for the most part a pretty good launch but the fact of the matter is POE2 is 100p not ready and still needs alot of time to work and cook and rather than putting all resources onto POE2 which is what Jonathan has just said in the announcement.

They should have announced look POE needs alot of work and updates, improvements and reworks are 100p in motion, however we dont want to neglect POE1 and as such the next POE2 update bug fixes and patch will be a little later than expected please be rest assured were cooking and poe2's next patch will make the game even bigger and better than ever....

in the meantime we will be releasing a POE1 league then not only would the POE1 players be happy also the POE2 players would be able to jump back over and hopefully alot more new players from POE2 would jump over to try POE1 with this and the new league content this would give players something to take there minds off the problems in POE2 and once the league is out it also eleaviates people complaining about the POE2 problems as much sure there will still be people putting in bugs reports and stuff but not on the mass scale they prob are atm.

This would have helped with people submitting tickets to support, on the scale they are now probably meaning they can catch up on things, and then with a new league you have around 3-4 month of new content for people to keep them occupied more leaving you even longer to cook POE2.

However this hasnt happened and i think there is alot of panic'n going on in the company and its a shame to see, now personally iv not played POE1 or POE2 for over a week because well basically POE1 league is done and dusted. AND POE2 is basically what a season of POE1 is normally and i think GGG are rushing to get content sorted for POE2 and thats scary to me because this lack of transparency AND the lack of internal structure to make sure that POE1 has a team working on a league and POE2 basically seems to be on fire AS A BETA is now getting priority.

and that is where the scary part comes from because with POE1 league looking like its going to be running for a year almost without updates, and POE2 still about a month AT THE EARLIEST before a significant update i feel they have massively mismanaged and really really went the wrong direction for the franchise on the whole.

Now this is just my take on things and this is just how it looks to me but honeslty im sure alot more people see it this way as well as a gamer and someone who like to stream and enjoy new content from GGG im kinda now sat here wondering well when is the new content?

so obviously its time to play new games and im cool with that and i will for sure be back next patch next update etc etc but thats how alot of people would have taken News thats POE2 update is cooking and going to be abit longer than expected HOWEVER here is a new POE1 league to keep you entertained in the mean time but i feel GGG made a massive mistake not taking this avenue.

And althought just to be clear i used the word mismanaged this does not in any ways mean im calling for people to lose there job or calling for anyone to step down this is not what this is about i just feel GGG should be more mindful of the player base, they have had this player base for the majority of the last 10+ years, with POE1 and as they have opted for a POE2 i feel trying to "retain new players" is slapping the old ones in the face the majority of which imo will kinda start dewindelling away without new meaniful content or a alt option to keep them occupied while the new POE2 stuff cooks.

After all the Hype goes for a NEW GAME which could be anything obviously POE2 players numbers were going to be high its a new game hyped up so hard once the honeymoon period is off numbers will go down then you will see how the player base really is, having 2 seperate games, one is a beta and needs SIGNIFICATE work still which is still months away and the other one is literally just a loose boat floating in the water drifting away at sea without a captain at the helm (POE1) i hope GGG made the right decision to go the route they did
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Jan 30, 2025, 8:16:19 PM
Last bumped on Feb 1, 2025, 9:51:58 AM
Thoughts and prayers.
I'm happy for you or sorry that happened. No one is reading all of that.
I have Support out here deleting my posts/replyes to you Jon in case i offend you because you are a big spender on supporter packs lol what a company just like ACTIVISION

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