New Player Perspective on Delirium

I have been searching the forum looking for a way to make this less miserable as on SSF and I need for amulet. You never get higher emotions drop.

You Are lucky go get 4 emotions drop on a map, mostly you get can get 3.
farming on higher level maps doesn't seem to give any higher rarity than lower.

If I max out as much rarity as i can with my equipment maps and atlas points, I can maybe get the the occasional paranoia (and I mean very occasionally) not seen anything higher drop. But mostly its ire with some guilt

I need suffering and that is emotion number 9, which means if you had no rarity you would need to do
3*3*3*3*3*3*3*3 maps to get if you were building up from the 3 distiled ire you normal get that is 6,561 per one suffering, and I need 2, so 12,000 maps.

its hard to do the maths with changes for rarity droping some Guilt, Greed and Paranoia, but the rate on those seems too low really for amount of rarity I am trying to pump, and means still likley many thosands of maps. And the drop rate on the percursor tablets doesn't seem to be great either (which will slow the whole thing, down, plus gold requirement for waystones to reroll for rarity every time).

Having to put as much rarity on gear as I can just to get some slightly better low end emotions means 1) doing lower maps so no EXP or other drops worth 2) No Splinters for to get points for tree 3) more importantly my build is less fun to play as I have to scarifice too much for it my rotation is now: "out of mana" "Dodge roll" "out of mana" "Dodge roll" "out of mana" "Dodge roll" cast spell. Check map when it delirium ends oh, great i need to finish this huge map and find all the rares to open route to the next delirium and thats going to take ages, so what thats 10-30 mins per map so based on maths above thats another ~160 days of running these maps 24 hours a day, I had better get the redbull in ...

I also think all these end game mechanics were designed with the PoE1's more open maps in mind, and they do not translate well to path of exile 2's more maze like maps where when the timer is running out and you are basically in a maze dead end (I don't know this for sure as I didn't play PoE1)

I thought about trying to get splinters but I am not sure I could do the encounter, which means I would loose out on a lot of emotions as I would need to put gear back to better DPS and Defense, and would probably not clear fast enough to get 3 emotions a map, or I would have to use emotions on maps, so would not be saving towards the annointment. But looking at the tree it doesn't look like it would help me much.

I am currently feeling pretty miserable thinking how many more times do I need to do something that has been made to be un fun. And sure maybe you will fix in patch, but at that point it will be time to re-roll character as no doubt my build which uses archmage will be nerfed due to that spark meta, which means all my work will be lost and what I was trying to make will not reach its potential.

Frankly feeling pretty despondant right now after so many maps. Problem is I was doing this after trying to get my last 2 ascedancy points, but I got forced to take a -40% damage before final boss, and killed by the weird one shot mecahnics (I was avoiding the things I was supposed to pick up, cos I had no idea they wouldn't do me damage), I don't if it was the 40% or my build DPS but I wasn't doing enough damage anyway, and think this amulet would be the solution to the DPS, and don't want to do those 4 floors again until I have had some kind of powerup.

i can't seem to find anything online about how to farm these delirium emotions faster, or how to increase changes of getting higher level emotions...

My current emotion is pretty low
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 2:45:50 AM
Because I basically share the same purpose, process and context, I would like to share my take.

I have some experiences in PoE1 since open beta up to most recent league. (you can see my past achievements in public profile.)
Frankly speaking, I'm not the most successful player in this genre. I don't play the incremental economy sims like at all (my perception is not built for the concept of exponential logical entities).

12000 maps
Let's say, 1 for 3000 maps if we can rely on the concept of "jackpot" (the exact mirror image of our miserable logical consequence).
Maybe an average "flavour of the month build" could run a Deli map in 5 mins.
Now it's 5x3000/60 = 1 per 250 hours.
In simulacrum, it may drop Emotions in significantly higher density/rarity so let's say 1 per 125 hours with Deli map skills while doing other contents as well.

Let's say 1 per week is the absolute limit of our sanity. I don't really think GGG is trying to test our sanity so for now, let's just assume the most reasonable process for the ideal result, 1 per 3 days for example. It's been a while since launch so let's set the scope on the most recent 1 month period, 300k online players/day in avarage, 3k "flavour of the month build" players (1% of total player base).

3k * (30 days/3 days) = 30k in total or 10 per FotM build player. I think it's more than enough to supply the demand for various build to try for each player.

What is this madness for ?
Let's say, we have -1 slot or empty item slot in the build (no anointment on amulet). We WILL fill the empty slot to make the build much better.
Can we deploy the gap among the rest of item slots and passive tree ? It's more likely viable.

I think this is the reasonable thinking in this madness, the consequence of our own dumb requirements.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 3, 2025, 8:58:59 AM
Just ignore delirium entirely and farm breaches instead
If you eventually need a Delirium recipe => currency exchange
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
I fully agree, and think the solution is fairly easy, which is just adjust the rate of Emotions rewarded from the Delirium event to drop higher emotions in higher tier maps, and have higher tier Deliriums drop a few more low level emotions from Delirium monsters. This encourages high level maps, reducing the need to downs scale your map difficulty for speed, and evens out the low end distribution by offering a few extra minor emotions that can be used on maps.

I also think the entire system of gaining event specific atlas passives needs to be re-thought. It's really odd to have it be "To be able to do the events, you must do the Boss of those events". It feels backwards. If they had a league like list of objectives, 2 Points for doing 50 Delirium events, 2 Points for doing a Simulacrums, 2 Points for doing a Delirium up to 4 Rewards (or whatever breakpoint makes sense), giving players smaller objectives they can work through themselves, without needing to fully invest in -every- side mechanic to get -some- of the output of it.
It's really odd to have it be "To be able to do the events, you must do the Boss of those events". It feels backwards.

It's rather a matter of decision (design/concept base perspective).

PoE or this genre in general has an important identity "theory crafting" ⇔ "a"rpg. I think this is the context of "It feels backwards".
We are talking to our own mirror image rather than actual game while theory crafting. It's kind of hard tricky to deploy on the actual timeline.

"The game must have a goal"
Yes I agree with this. Anointment must be able to put on the amulet.
If I lost my purpose in the process, the decision is on me.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 3, 2025, 12:22:29 PM
I am not sure I follow what you were saying if I am honest. Were you saying that the good players should be producing enough for trade ? Because I am on solo self found ? Also i don't think currently I would be able to do similacrum, since people seem to be describing it as the very hard. I figured i would need to basically have the build finished (including the annoinment) before I would stand a chance against pinicle bosses. (My build is not the meta, but its not terrible either (I could be wrong on this of course, I am not a PoE expert.)

@Ashyev who recommended breach to get currency for trade, the issue is I am on SSF. SSF for the most part I like, until I come up against issues like this. But it means farming another mechanic to make currency and trade doesn't help. And I do think that SSF should be able to realisitcally do all parts of the game (including getting annoints).

I stopped playing for a week, and came back after the patch to see if the drop rate had been changed it hasn't. I still don't know if I am missing something with how I am supposed to approach delirium.

I am not sure that grinding for splinters to then findout I am way out matched by similacrim and all that time is wasted cos neither my character (nor my skill level) is high enough for that yet. and all those wasted emotions spent on maps... I wanted to be properly prepared before I started trying to do similacrim. (kind of why I want to get the annoint)

Personally i think its as simple as delirium is wrong/mistake/flawed.

I think :
1) the drops/rarity of emotions is obviously too low (if these are supposed to acheivable to a reasoable amount of people in a 12 week league?) Its either a mistake, or a deliberate time waste/sync, or someone is bad at math, and doesn't understand how quickly powers of 3 increase

2) I think the spreading of the fog and keeping ahead of it, is designed for PoE1 and not for maps where you constantly have to go into rooms and run back on yourself. (frankly i think the same thing is true for breach and for ritual (some times in ritual nearly the entire circle is in the walls (I notice their placement as I run past skipping them))

I won't rule out this is a me(skill) issue, but honestly it feels like a GGG issue to me. (I think they should probably sort out the emotion drops rate)
Oh and
@Northern_Ronin I agree, I think yes it would be better to get points in a way, that helps you to acheive (or build up too) the the bigger goal rather than locking the points behind that bigger goal.
I am not sure I follow what you were saying if I am honest. Were you saying that the good players should be producing enough for trade ? Because I am on solo self found ? Also i don't think currently I would be able to do similacrum, since people seem to be describing it as the very hard. I figured i would need to basically have the build finished (including the annoinment) before I would stand a chance against pinicle bosses. (My build is not the meta, but its not terrible either (I could be wrong on this of course, I am not a PoE expert.)

"The game must have a goal"
Yes I agree with this. Anointment must be able to put on the amulet.
If I lost my purpose in the process, the decision is on me.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Is this about a person picking SSF and wondering why they can't get rare items easily?

Are you confused the idea of SSF? Use another annoint.
Last edited by Scuba_man#1760 on Feb 8, 2025, 2:46:08 AM

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