UI/QoL improvements

after few hundeds hours of playing PoE2, I have positive opinion atm..
But, there is still a lot of room for improvements, especially in the UI space.

In the end game, the most time consuming and irritating things a player can and must do is managing his/her inventory. I have few ideas that can make our lives a lot easier:

- add few currency slots beside gold amount (as in the added image). Make them confirugable, so each of us can choose what they want tostash there. You could even make them unlock with level, so inventory management would keep it's meaning with increasing our levels.

- Add auto sort option, so the invetory is always used to its fullest capacity, without us getting our hands dirty (but please, add an option to turn it off for people that would still like to manage their items by hand)

- Add a possibility to link gems to an item, so every time it's equipped, the gems are socketted automatically. Many of us have different setups for bossing, clearing etc. OR an even better option would be to add an entire second/third items/gems setups (like in Diablo 4), plus maybe add a key bind so we can swap without opening the inventory. It would save us a LOT of time, that we could use to actually play more instead of micromanaging everything (and yes ... this is one of the MAIN problems that is plaguing both PoE1 and now PoE2).

If you want, you could also add and option to increase the maximum possible configurations and currency slots with microtransactions (but please, within reason ;) ).

Just a few ideas of an older guy, that love your games, but his wife is standing behind his back with a stopper and few sharp objects :)
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 11:50:40 AM

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