PoB misaligned character level???

Every time I import my character into PoB, it tells me my correct current level on the top row of the UI, but it always has the REQUIRED level for the build as 1 less. I don't understand why, but it's making me feel like I'm missing a skill point acquisition from in-game somewhere.

I've checked the Wiki for skill quests, and I've done them all. And I got the skills from bandits, of course, too. I don't know if there's anything else!
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 2:50:11 PM
You can type /passives in chat to see if you're missing a skillpoint from a quest. Once you've finished the campaign, unobtained points are shown in addition to the earned points.

There was a recent change to the Bandits quest where instead of +2 points for killing all the bandits, you get +1 point for killing all the bandits, and +1 point for fetching the Golden Hand from the Crypt.

The issue might be in a different area, though. Information on allocated passives from Cluster Jewels is hard to grab as far as I can tell, so sometimes an imported character's allocations may not match the in-game state. Importing your character, is seems PoB is taking the "safe assumption" of taking the most efficient paths on your Large Cluster Jewels, leaving them both with one unallocated passive. If you took all the small passives on one of the jewels, that would be where your missing point is.
... 0 from Reflection of Terror.

WHAT??? How??? I did this!!! lol.

Okay, time to go figure that out. Maybe I didn't turn it in? lol...


Yeah, I've noticed POB has issues with loading Clusters. It's been loading my level 94 Ele fine on Clusters though, so that's good at least. (I don't have to keep fixing it when I update the load, lol.)

I wish I could find a Cluster with Seal Mender in a more efficient spot, but it's apparently got a very unfortunate cluster spell ID and it's almost always in a bad spot. :(

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