Thoughts on the upcoming month-long event?

I'm happy to get something to play with, but at the same time the announcement left me quite skeptical. 19 new ascendancy classes... now I'm not a developer, but to me this seems like a logistical nightmare. PoE2 is still the main focus, obviously, so a full team won't be working on this event, it's being put together in a hurry (unless the actual event is ~two months away) and there's no past content to fall on to like a legacy league or something similar would have.

Nothing would be better than for GGG to nail this, but man. The hurdle they set for themselves looks sky high to me.
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 5:06:03 PM
Its faster to make/change 19 ascendancies than it is to fully making a good league mechanic.

They will reroll an old league with the ascendancy changes, they wont put time to make a new one.
I just wanna know when it starts lol getting tired of deception.
Dont wanna get hyped now if it starts in 6 weeks lol
Its still just a cheap words so far.

The trust is ruined.
I'd play it for a weekend
We'll see, i think they think they need a gimmick for us to be happy with a league and i don't really think that is true, most players understand about shifting development resources around but just want something to scratch the itch in the meantime.

That doesn't mean it has to be big and bold, I'd play a rerun of scourge league for example just because it was pretty fun even with rubbish krangle rewards.

This upcoming idea sounds pretty fun but it also sounds like a gimmick and i feel like players burnout really fast on a gimmick.

I would have gone more in line with the following - run two discontinued league mechanics as long as they are still functional, pinch half the challenges from one half from the other and throw generic points (keep it low) on as the challenge rewards mixed in with a portal and a set of wings. Literally call it tideover league you don't need to beat around the bush just show an effort is being made to entertain the poe1 players while the dev resources are primarily on PoE2.

Still i'm gonna enjoy playing a month of kranglescendancy if only because it sounds like we are going to get some really off the wall stuff that they probably never planned for us to actually get. PoE when its at its most broken can be extremely fun and unique as an experience.
It just doesnt make sense to me... So making 19 ascendancies is much easier than add some league mechanic, create new challenges?

I feel like 3.26 didnt have to be anything special. Since settlers is such a good addition to the game. I just dont understand the choices this company makes.
We don't have enough information to have many thoughts on the matter, but it's better than nothing.

I don't personally love events because it's not enough time for me, but for others I think it is more than enough time.
Thanks for all the fish!
In general it's amazing thing for the community I think. But for me - I'm such a slow player that I can barely get anything done in 1 month so probably should just skip and wait for the potential 3.26.
esostaks#6761 wrote:
In general it's amazing thing for the community I think. But for me - I'm such a slow player that I can barely get anything done in 1 month so probably should just skip and wait for the potential 3.26.

I get the feeling that a lot of the changes are going to be MASSIVELY overpowered, so don't expect the usual level of slog. I think we're flying to the moon on this one.

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