A simple YES or No to this question will do.

Do any of you actually believe that the Dev's or the community care if Exiles are able to play the content and defeat the bosses?
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 9:40:46 AM
I, being an exile who can do the content and kill the bosses, answer with a YES. I'm unsure of what your point is though

If players in general do not feel they can progress, their player base shrivels. If that happens, the game dies and their jobs vanish.

That aside, I also think most of their staff (at least, their more public facing ones) are mostly interested in making a good game that fills what they at least see what ARPG's should be (Or at least, ARPG's in this vein).

So I have both a cynical and idealistic reason to think they care.
I don't understand this line of questioning. Why do you assume they don't? Why design a game as elaborate as such, just to watch you crash and burn at the earliest content, and laugh?

- i want players to be able to clear everything without needing to rely on metabuilds or supergood items. so i care about players being able to clear em.

on the flipside

we have "elite" players who DONT WANT all players to be able to clear the hardest content so that they can rub their ego and sell carry services. so they care too
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Amotokai#2266 wrote:
Do any of you actually believe that the Dev's or the community care if Exiles are able to play the content and defeat the bosses?

Yes... but because the result of that influences the success of their business and if they can pay their bills or not.... and nothign wrogn with that. But your desire might not be the same as theirs.
exsea#1724 wrote:

- i want players to be able to clear everything without needing to rely on metabuilds or supergood items. so i care about players being able to clear em.

on the flipside

we have "elite" players who DONT WANT all players to be able to clear the hardest content so that they can rub their ego and sell carry services. so they care too

its not just about ego tho, its about good builds and good items mattering.

if you can beat everything in the game with mid items, a mid build and mid playing skill what is the point in anything being good? where is the incentive to improve?

its a game, you should have to be good at the game to beat everything in the game. that is important for players who can and players who cant. if you cant beat it then it should be there as something you aspire to beat when you stop being bad at the game and learn how to be good at it.

i think its important for most players to have items better than the ones they are using in the game and content harder than the stuff they can beat in order to fuel the gameplay loop of farming to upgrade, that loop shouldnt run out until you are a master of the game.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Yes? I don't see the point of that question. And to answer someone else in the thread...the "elite" don't care if you kill stuff or not, they just believe you can do better.
Tech guy
Amotokai#2266 wrote:
Do any of you actually believe that the Dev's or the community care if Exiles are able to play the content and defeat the bosses?

I don't know if I understand the question properly, but yes? I think that devs expect moderately skilled player to at least beat the campaign.

Also, the PoE2 community doesn't want everyone to be able to do everything while flapping around at a lowered difficulty setting. Otherwise, it turns out to be another Diablo 4, which Path of Exile 2 is not.

While I think that enjoying the early endgame should be possible by using almost every skill and with a various range of gear/passive, the reality is that the tougher the content, the more exclusive it will be, as it should.

Essentially :

1) The campaign should be Challenging and doable unless you really can't learn patterns, dodge or recognize telegraphed moves cues, in which case the game isn't for you.

2) The early endgame (level 65-85) should be where you really need to put work toward your passive tree and get proper gear. In some cases, it will require a lot of grinding to get loot/orbs.

3) Mid to late endgame (level 85+) should require proper gear, synergies to pull it off. I guess this is where most people currently fail, either due to the current lack of skill viability, not wanting to trade or due to lack of player's skill/game knowledge. It's even more apparent at the higher tiers, here again, as it should.

The problem is that a lot of new ARPG players think that they need to reach the max level to feel that sense of accomplishment... while in PoE, for me at least, it's mostly about the Journey and trying to create/build something that I think is fun.
Last edited by pyrocyborg#0256 on Feb 7, 2025, 3:18:06 PM
Mid Tier Items? Mid Tier Build? I don't see how it's anyone's problem if they don't understand the mechanics. I don't understand how it's anyone's problem that they are bad at the game. Mid Tier? The only reason items have a label is because it's the OPINION of the player base.

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