600 hours and Uninstalled: Bad Builds and Maps in POE 2

Simulacrum with Poison Build made me Uninstall the game and create this Post:

If you think this is a get good issue, go play your Spark Build and leave me alone, I know what im doing.

Who on GGG tested Builds before EA? seems like no one did, POE 2 (EA) is such a bad experience depending on your build: If you are not using Staffs or Spark this game hates you. Tried 3 off Meta builds, Corrupting Warrior, Comet Stormweaver and now Poison Pathfinder with Corpsewade, my experiences were all pretty frustrating due to lack of instant high and constant DPS (compared to the 3 Meta Builds there are) but also:

1) Warrior survivability is so bad due to Armour, dont get me started on DPS scaling or Accuracy

2) Comet Weaver was just bad all around, SRS was and still is very bugged and doesnt work as it should. cant rely on it at all. (TBH: I could have seen this one being trash and not go for it, but still it was more frustrating then it should have been)

3) Minion Poison Pathfinder with Corpsewade: By far the best experience of those 3, Map clear is really good with QotF, Bossing is good (did all the Bosse) but then your Poison cant travel to higher or lower grounds (????) making bad maps horrible. Burning Grounds explodes your Poison Clouds: Thank you for mitigating my whole DPS output due to a Map mechanic, luckily Spark is also influenced by that..oh wait it isnt. All of that would be acceptable but: Simulacrum not giving Corpses (to trigger Corpsewade) and on TOP adding burning grounds on the 4 x 4 maps in round 10+ is a SLAP in the face for this build. This was the final straw for the Uninstall. I should not be required to swap away from a good Build to do a Simulacrum.

HOW are people doing it who only have time for 1 build??? cause they want to have fun but then , 50 - 100 hours in, cant even play the game properly with that build compared to the 3 Meta Builds. No respect for Time Investment from the DEV side. I am very disappointed!

It doesn't help that MAPS are UTTER TRASH, 80% are so bad I bet you they werent even played 10 times by the devs themselves, otherwise they would have never let some maps into the game.

(Dont get me started on Economy and RMT scaling, I dont see a solution for this but please realise: It is so much worse then you would think!)

Im ranting and dooming so let me stop here with this conclusion:

1) POE 2 has insane potential.
2) It shouldn't have been released to EA (at least 6 months later)
3) When will it be "good" and viable and fun to play for a big variety of Builds? When will the game be there where it should be: At least 1 - 2 years.
4) The balancing of classes will come and most bugs will be fixed eventually, but if they dont change their Map Design Philosophy this could actually severely reduce popularity, i dont want to say "kill" the game but its close.

All in all, my rant is only leveraged by the potential that I see in the game, so don't let this ruin YOUR FUN. My POE journey is over for now.
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 10:38:20 AM
600 hours ... lol.

Wow. I have to admit, it took me approx 30 minutes to come to the conclusion that the game was in no where near ready state, and missing far to much to be fun for long.

Hell, just the gem changes and waypoints were enough to turn me off. Im just grateful GGG gave me free access for being a *lifetime* supporter.

As for the RMT aspect, well , its been clear for a long long while that GGG supports RMT without ever once straight up publicly admitting it. POE1 is even highly tuned around bot rates (at least, any of the top tier items sure as hell are). And their own staff has been known to actively own and manage RMT sites while employed at GGG.

That said, i still like POE1.

Each to their own.
GGG - Why you no?
Last edited by JoannaDark#6252 on Feb 7, 2025, 1:57:11 PM
I know 600 hours is degenerate but I have the time right now and I only played POE 1 Campgain so I had to learn a lot (and since valuable information about mechanics is so gated in this game there was a lot of trial and error) but I know the Game now for sure haha

Very interesting what you write about GGG staff involvement in RMT, only reported case i can find is regarding Aaron Ciccheli but that one seems to be debunked.. curious if you know about other cases/names?


Wow. I have to admit, it took me approx 30 minutes to come to the conclusion that the game was in no where near ready state, and missing far to much to be fun for long.

Nonsense. 30 minutes in the game is great.

Nonsense. 30 minutes in the game is great.

Subjective, 100%. but thanks for sharing your opinion.
GGG - Why you no?
Last edited by JoannaDark#6252 on Feb 7, 2025, 4:29:45 PM
Ich bin dagegen
If you play something for 10 hours a day for literally 2 months straight, that means you're :
or 1 enjoying it
or 2 are a masochist

I needed maybe 2 weeks to come to the conclusion the game is about 5% finished and will never be what PoE1 is to me.
I haven't even played poe 2 and I know it's unfinished.
Balancing will never come. Ggg is the most clueless company when trying to balance things.

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