I have not once stopped playing and went wow this is fun

I dont know maybe its because of it being EA but most the game just feels lazy too me, the bosses are ok but again are lazy and instead of being fun just have cheap 1 shot mechanics that are honestly boring too see, white and yellow mobs that have stupid bonuses too them like being able to out heal 80k damage while reviving minions and having a mana drain ...

like drops not good, crafting not here this games just not fun in this state unless you have a build that just deletes anything beofore you see it which isn't good
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 8:49:59 AM
The lack of punctuation made me believe that your topic was going to be positive. I misread I guess.

To each their own, but I think that bosses are challenging, unless you're playing a melee Warrior in which case, well, I understand why it would feel like a slog and like they're cheap. They're suprising on a first playthrough, but after that, some exception aside, it's easier to prevent being one shoted by simply applying what you learned. I started a new character (Mercenary) in HCSSF yesterday, and well, the increased runes/orbs drop rate and guaranteed loot on bosses make progression easier, especially early on when you don't have any busted skill. One boss (the Tree boss in Act 1) almost one shotted me out of a seemingly very fast and very hard to evade chaos attack, but otherwise, none of their "usually very damaging" attacks really hurt me so far and were done pretty quickly.

Some people find having a challenge fun, while others don't have fun unless they teleport from mobs to mobs and delete screens. You pretty much cannot cater to both players style, and I would say that personaly, I'm having fun with the game but really want more content/classes.

Come endgame, yes, some rare mobs can be overtuned compared to your gear/build, some have cheap mechanics. And yes, the crafting isn't great (mostly, it's pretty much just gambling, RNG on top of RNG).
Last edited by pyrocyborg#0256 on Feb 7, 2025, 4:34:35 PM
I've actually stopped playing and felt 'wow that was fun' pretty much every time :-)

But the specific thing which I wanted to comment on, is that in the case of 2 of my builds thus far, killing things too quickly has actually become a problem. Which in my eyes runs entirely counter to the idea that the only way for it to be fun is to have a build which deletes everything before you see it.

First a Boneshatter / Impact Shockwave Warrior, the goal is get someone primed for stun then Boneshatter them with Impact Shockwave, and since the echoes caused by that can trigger even when the enemy dies as a result, you can get a chain reaction instantly wiping out whole packs of enemies. Glorious.

But, you need enough stun buildup for the echo to heavy stun (and at 780% that's not too hard), but not so much that you stun the initial target right away. Enough damage to make bosses quick and easy, but not so much damage you one shot the target you're intending to Boneshatter. Killing the target right away, or stunning them immediately, means no sweet echoing AOE chain reactions.

My Poison / Snipe Ranger is much the same. I spread poison stacks via Contagion, and I can annihilate whole screens without having to make a single attack beyond one initial 'seed' if I manage the spread right. But if the initial targets die before they spread, I have to keep reapplying stacks. The more damage I do, the slower I clear areas, because the more often the chain breaks.

Meanwhile Snipe requires I play a minigame to get my damage output, every single time for every boss. And it heavily incentivizes more attack speed so you're not stunlocked while charging for as long and can dance out of the enemy's attacks in time. But the more attack speed you have, the smaller the perfect window is to get your guaranteed crit and actual damage. So you want good attack speed, but not so much you can't hit your snipes.

The point of this all is that GGG seems to recognize that it's a bad thing when builds become 'optimized' to the point where they stop interacting meaningfully with the game. And they seem to have taken active effort to design elements which apply additional constraints for optimal play, and reward active management of effects or resources. So I have high hopes that will be heavily prevalent in the game as it moves forward. Right now the "best" builds are entirely non-interactive, which is a problem. Since in my eyes, a fun build is one in which you must be an active participant, and not just a passive observer as enemies die offscreen.
I've actually stopped playing and felt 'wow that was fun' pretty much every time :-)

But the specific thing which I wanted to comment on, is that in the case of 2 of my builds thus far, killing things too quickly has actually become a problem. Which in my eyes runs entirely counter to the idea that the only way for it to be fun is to have a build which deletes everything before you see it.

First a Boneshatter / Impact Shockwave Warrior, the goal is get someone primed for stun then Boneshatter them with Impact Shockwave, and since the echoes caused by that can trigger even when the enemy dies as a result, you can get a chain reaction instantly wiping out whole packs of enemies. Glorious.

But, you need enough stun buildup for the echo to heavy stun (and at 780% that's not too hard), but not so much that you stun the initial target right away. Enough damage to make bosses quick and easy, but not so much damage you one shot the target you're intending to Boneshatter. Killing the target right away, or stunning them immediately, means no sweet echoing AOE chain reactions.

My Poison / Snipe Ranger is much the same. I spread poison stacks via Contagion, and I can annihilate whole screens without having to make a single attack beyond one initial 'seed' if I manage the spread right. But if the initial targets die before they spread, I have to keep reapplying stacks. The more damage I do, the slower I clear areas, because the more often the chain breaks.

Meanwhile Snipe requires I play a minigame to get my damage output, every single time for every boss. And it heavily incentivizes more attack speed so you're not stunlocked while charging for as long and can dance out of the enemy's attacks in time. But the more attack speed you have, the smaller the perfect window is to get your guaranteed crit and actual damage. So you want good attack speed, but not so much you can't hit your snipes.

The point of this all is that GGG seems to recognize that it's a bad thing when builds become 'optimized' to the point where they stop interacting meaningfully with the game. And they seem to have taken active effort to design elements which apply additional constraints for optimal play, and reward active management of effects or resources. So I have high hopes that will be heavily prevalent in the game as it moves forward. Right now the "best" builds are entirely non-interactive, which is a problem. Since in my eyes, a fun build is one in which you must be an active participant, and not just a passive observer as enemies die offscreen.

The builds you describe are the kind GGG suggested they wanted us to play when releasing previews over the past 2 years. Then they turnaround and give us some of those which are a pain in the ass to play as you describe but also PoE1-type meta 1-click builds with mobs and atlas tuned for those meta builds thus alienating everyone to some extent.

A clusterfucked identity crisis that will be quite difficult to resolve and will wind up pissing off at least half of all players.
Last edited by Glorfndel01#6465 on Feb 8, 2025, 8:38:30 AM
To be clear my poison ranger is absurdly fun to play. Active and engaging and with solutions for enemies of every hardness and threat profile. It’s not even remotely a pain in the ass.

Also to be clear the warrior kinda was a pain in the ass but not primarily due to the effort of hitting the perfect window to make it sing. Instead it was a pain in the ass because all of that required being in melee range for 2 hits and with armor not applying to damage which isn’t physical at all, combined with the difficulty of getting your resists right at low levels and how hard stuff hit, the warrior felt way too squishy.

It just didn’t fulfill the class fantasy for me. I wanted a guy with a shield and mace who was nearly indestructible and set up then popped whole screens of enemies. I got a guy who had to constantly retreat from exploding corpses and who could be one shot by a quarter of the enemies encountered. For warrior that’s the part in my eyes that needed fixing (my Ranger was easily 20x more durable than my Warrior from act 1 onwards since evade applies to all damage types) rather than the rest.

And agreed the Spark meta destroy everything offscreen builds are a problem. I suspect they’re in the process of taking a hatchet to them as we speak. Folks will indeed be pissed. But the game will be better for it.

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