What were they smoking with this Relic system replacing 120+ atlas points?

First off this is bad for SSF, having to rely on relics to even do the mechanics you want.

Making atlas nodes RNG and on relics is another no thanks to me. Looks like Poe 2 testing to me.

And get ready to have the most busted combination cost multiple divines.

Let the crap storm commence!
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 5:17:39 PM
they're replacing a really fun system with testing for their new shit game
Looks more fun than fkin doing maven-maps to get skill points then to use PoB-like abomination to check if your atlas skill tree is efficient for your minmaxing cringe adventure

More RNG - the better

I will enjoy this in SSF, will have more sense of enjoyment when finally finding that one good relic

If you want less RNG and more geek-optimizing BS then go Factorio son
They smoking, using your old game to test your new game is ridiculous. GGG be professional go buy a test server, go expand your team and actually spend time testing your games this is unnecessarily unprofessional at this point.
I think, that new relic mechanic is good for SSF. With atlas passive tree (you get three of them) you cannot farm any leauge mechanic at its full strength (harvest crop rotation, alva with normal room swaps and upgrades, etc.), because you still have not enough points.

On the other hand you can gather as many sets of relics as you want (if you have enough storage for them). Just like with standard mechanic, you only run maps to get points (idols) an increase tiers of your maps. But eventually you will end up with multiple sets for every mechanic you want to farm.

Harvest? No problem, just take this crop rotation idol + stack chance to save both crops.
Incursion? Sure, here is a bunch of relics that allows you to build a room you want with a ver high chance.
Yo get a crazy farm strategy that require special set of idols? I think you can gather it from other sets you already have.

One problem i see is that relics are unmodificable. I guess it's necessary to stop (slow down) players who want to use broken strategies in trade leauge.

At the end: this is my own opinion, you can always disagree with me, but i think it's another way to improve SSF experience.
The Relic system looks like a reimagining of the Leaguestone system they used in the similarly named Legacy League. It predated Atlas passives, and served a similar purpose in customizing and enhancing content you wanted to run.

At least Relics don't appear to be consumable in any fashion like Leaguestones were. The only downside there, then, would be that they only apply to Endgame, where Leaguestones were usable during the campaign.
They smoking, using your old game to test your new game is ridiculous. GGG be professional go buy a test server, go expand your team and actually spend time testing your games this is unnecessarily unprofessional at this point.

They are so detached from their playerbase it isn't funny anymore.

Just test that crap in PoE2, it is anyway EA.
They are using the remaining players in POE1 to testbed things for POE2 and I will not participate.

GGG has pretty much lost me as a customer unless they RADICALLY change their ways soon.
ugh great now I gotta trade for the atlas tree too? should be interesting though, better than 12 month league.
Second-class poe gamer
And here come the POE2 players that want POE1 players to beta test their crap. Then they will say "just go play POE1." Sick of this. God I wish I could refund every supporter pack I have ever bought.

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