Simple question: What's fun, managing skill trees or managing inventory? Bump

GGG wants us to have inventory management and we want to have fun.

Skill trees out, atlas trees out, stash tab purchases in.

But it's a conspiracy theory right?
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 5:30:31 PM
Nothing fun about having to read for 2+ hours to minmax an "Atlas Tree" that makes map sustain and content way too trivial. So I guess you prefer right click spamming 40+ Orbs of Unmaking instead of Ctrl Clicking Idols when you want to run different content?

Managing a skill tree that doesn't even give Player Power takes way more time and reading than Ctrl Clicking a few Tetris blocks.
It's an event. It's supposed to be different, and "different" ALWAYS means that some people might dislike it. I seriously don't get the hate here. We've had WAY worse events before.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Inventory management is absolutely awful, full stop. There's way too much loot dropping. There's way too much bad loot that we have to sift through. Even with a strict loot filter in place, we have to leave maps way too often to go talk to some NPC in town. It's just bad.

GGG doesn't care. They gotta sell you stash tabs. Honestly I wish they'd just charge me $70 for the game and get rid of this shit.

GGG doesn't care. They gotta sell you stash tabs. Honestly I wish they'd just charge me $70 for the game and get rid of this shit.

I used to defend GGG's non P2W game, but over time, it became very apparent, just through stash tabs, that P2W is a thing in this game. Some may argue 'naahhh' , but its undeniable how much disadvantage a player with no extra tabs faces with the sheer amount of fucking item types this game has implemented through out the years... all the while knowing damn well, a basic account would only have 4 tabs of very restricted space.

Shit, even the fact that they restrict guilds to 30 memebers or "Pay Us Moar...", is pretty fucking shady tactics. I was sure they claimed that only cosmetic of nature mtx's would ever be sold (aside from stash tabs) yet.... member slots .... rofl. Fucking pathetic.

And yes, in relation to the new temp league, i think its a joke removing the atlas and replacing it with even more fucking items. Pretty sure i will be staying in standard this league too.
GGG - Why you no?
Last edited by JoannaDark#6252 on Feb 11, 2025, 10:56:49 AM
Even with a strict loot filter in place, we have to leave maps way too often to go talk to some NPC in town

Then do an uber strict loot filter? Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but I very rarely spend more than 1 portal per map. Well, maybe in Affliction.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
Even with a strict loot filter in place, we have to leave maps way too often to go talk to some NPC in town

Then do an uber strict loot filter? Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but I very rarely spend more than 1 portal per map. Well, maybe in Affliction.

I usually leave a few times on T17 maps farming scarabs, but I also pickup every single one. On t16s when I’m farming for maps I rarely ever use more than 1 portal. Obviously the game is unplayable without a loot filter in maps, but I’ve accepted that.
You could just keep playing settlers right?

So there's that.
It looks like they are giving us loadout tabs for the relics specifically which I think will work pretty nicely tbh. Is it perfect? No, but its a reasonable solution in a quick timeframe.
After all this time inputting a preset skill tree one boring point at a time, my honest answer is I am looking forward to trying the relics only because they are different.

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