Poe 1 secret quest Mana Sponge moonstone ring partially solved.
" Credit to quoted section to : str9004#4735 What’s intriguing about your post is mana sponge moonstone ring. To my knowledge it is an unfound item in Poe 1. Right away in your post it says “I would have given you the moon but it couldn’t be found” probably an elude to the fact he wanted to give her the mana sponge moonstone ring. The artwork also eludes to a stone version of the moon in someone’s hands. And when you turn in the card for the staff it says “what is broken can break further” a probable indication you have taken a bad action route of the quest and to repair it means starting over. Also throughout the short story in your post we see multiple eludes to the moon in the form of a ring. After about an hour of thought into it I concluded that the name “Mana sponge Moonstone ring” is an anagram and the only actual hint. The best I can do after 15 minutes of anagram work is “gone maps an one moon string” I however didn’t play poe1 and don’t know anything about the lore. Though I will add that the tail. End of the art does look like a map of different areas separated. If it’s possible to get this item in poe1, the lore and reasoning behind how and why you get it is probably also embedded in the Poe 2 secret quest. I realized Lunaris and Solaris are represented in Poe 2. Also Finn is one of the old gods, the first ones. There is an argument for Renly being one as well. From una’s own admissions it seems she loves Finn and he has kept her by his side for a long time. She doesn’t seem to be a first one/old god. I’m not driven by pride, I seek the freedom of uncovering this knowledge. With or without the help of others. I would prefer help because I know it’ll only make the process happen quicker. Another possible solution for the anagram is : one map sang, one moon string Which is probably an audio cue to listen for to find the location. From the picture of the redeemable cards above it would seem wherever this location is, is outdoors and grassy? Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 11, 2025, 9:59:43 PM Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 4:38:49 PM
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Imagine if everyone would be so much in love in what they do as you do, we'd be the perfect form of a creature that ever lived
Fascinating, enjoyed the post |
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This post is a nice breath of fresh air. :D
GGG - Why you no?
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" My advantage is that I only seek truth and knowledge for the sake of knowing, not for the sake of power or pride. I appreciate the positive feedback, it’s rare to hear these days. Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 12, 2025, 1:13:30 PM
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lov that
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Just be aware that:
1. Divination card flavor text is submitted by the player who designed the card. 2. Data-mining can reveal incomplete/unimplemented items. The simplest explanation for all of this is that there’s no connection. |
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" There’s no way the divination card art and flavor matches this items design and flavor so exactly and doesn’t add up to something. There’s one big thing everyone’s missing about uncovering how to get the mana sponge moonstone ring. I think there is a dev who enables it to drop once a month on the full moon. This is not a troll. Part of the illustration and story eludes to the fact you can only find the ring under a full moon. You are correct, the easiest explanation to never have to think of what I’m saying as possible is to simply dismiss it using the simplest logic available. Thats what most people do. Not because it’s the correct choice but because it is the easiest choice. I’m asking for help from a community that has played this game for a lot longer than I have. If it turns out I’m correct about this I have exactly 0 hours logged into poe1 in my life and I still was able to find the links and hints laid out finer than anyone who has tens of thousands of hours invested. Take a moment to consider all I have said. And again. I welcome anyone from GGG to openly say “you are wrong this item is completely unobtainable” I would rather a dev literally openly state this item is unobtainable and everything I’ve said is nonsense if that is the truth. I don’t fear being corrected. I fear ignorance of potential knowledge and truth. Because in the end if I’m wrong a lot of people would agree my style of designing a secret quest is so far beyond that which is implemented today. My designs actually follow a cohesive and coherent set of rules that make it so a player who truly loves the game would uncover the secret. And I’d like to believe the people who designed the secret quests in Poe 1 and 2 have a similar vision. They shouldn’t want the first person to do it to be a dev account who did it for PR on a dead game *diablo 3*. They should want people who LOVE the story and lore to have the best chance of uncovering the secret. Not some random account that somehow knew they had to type a specific phrase into the text box in a specific spot holding specific items with literally 0 cues to do so found anywhere. *diablo 3* Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 12, 2025, 4:32:45 PM
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As for the data mining part of your comment, it’s 2025 brother not 2010.
In 2010 data mining could show you all of the operable code. Because all the operable code had to be stored in the same place. Now a gaming company can keep specific parts of code what they call “server side” This means that the code kept server side cannot be data mined. Only data not stored in this fashion can be data mined. For this data that is stored server side to be operable files there has to be a link file that is in the operable files. This file can be literally almost anything. It can be an item that says “this item cannot be obtained” and still be obtainable. The reason why this is possible is the code to see if the item is obtainable is in two places. The one that is server side and hidden says this item is obtainable and here is how you obtain it. The file that exists in regular data says this item is unobtainable because until you do the precise sequence of actions that trigger a server side reaction in game, it is unobtainable. This is all facts. Ask a developer. I don’t blame you for your argument of “data mining bro” it’s just tired and over used and shows no depth of knowledge in the advancements in coding. It’s the response I hear the most despite the fact technology is on the side of the developer in the case of data mining. It has been this way for about 10 years too. I’m starting to understand why these quests go unsolved for so long, it’s because a huge super majority of the players think if it exists data mining would just tell the super smart people how to do it, which is false. Maybe when quantum is fully available that will Change. It’s also possible the creature type Metamorph has something to do with acquiring the mana sponge moonstone ring. It is the creature type that drops the only usable catalyst. Also I will echo this point again. I’m literally on my knees begging any internal dev who would know 100% if this item is obtainable via secret quest or truly unobtainable by players to chime in and say “you are wrong this is unobtainable” but only if that is the truth. I don’t want or expect a dev to chime in and say “this is 100% possible” because that would cheapen it. However I welcome and desire being told I am wrong by a GGG employee who would know I am wrong. If anyone from the internal dev team reads this forum thread just know I hope I either made you laugh or think deeply about secret quest design. The right secret quest design can make a game legendary all by itself. I struggle to believe I’m imagining all these links in the flavor and design concerning the mana sponge moonstone ring, alongside Finn being a first one. However I know I could be wrong. But if I’m wrong yall should offer me a contract for $0 a year and I’ll contribute some of my personal time for free. I’m guessing the reason the ruby ring on the divination card that illustrates the marriage proposal has that glow effect and the moon isn’t illustrated and specifically it says “but it could not be found” is because this corrupting proposal occurred under the new moon. A possible further hint that you can only find the Mana Sponge Moonstone Ring by solving the anagram which I believe is One Map Sang One Moon String. Then figuring out what you have to do on the specific timer of a real life full moon. If I’m right about this it is quite possibly the most well designed secret quest to have ever been conceived. At least that I’ve heard of. One moon string could also be a link to “Wait till the morrow” indicating a specific phase of the moon other than full or new. There is so much layering in the hints that only a true god of writing could have designed this with purpose. It could all be incidental nothings that just line up super well. But that seems like such wasted design potential. Also on the card lunaris priestess the things around the moonstone could be shards that form the moonstone. There are 13 distinct shards illustrated, most people would think it’s just light but maybe those 13 shards formed the Moonstone itself. It looks like it could be 13 specific divination cards. Each card representing an hour but why 13? It’s not a traditional clock. It’s 0-12. If you are wondering what I’m talking about the lunaris priestess card clearly illustrates those shards as pieces of a clock formed by the moon itself, the problem is there are 13 instead of 12. Easy solution the numerical values to solve for divination card wise are labeled 0-12. Each card ingredient will represent a specific number 0-12. But it’s wise to also solve for 1-13 representation as well because who knows. There is game dialogue and flavor text that soft confirms that the divination cards are the actual virtue gems and the NPC are tricking you to turn them in. Anyway I’ve done what I can here, and if you’d like to help me please drop a podcast guest suggestion in the link below and reference this post. As for filling out my real world name just reference my name on these forums. I’ll be putting in my own pitch later and referencing this all as part of my potential. Thank you for coming to my short ted talk. And for those of you that truly submit a form to help me and are fans of what I’ve done and do, I appreciate your support more than I can show. https://form.jotform.com/lexfridman/podcast-guest-pitch Last edited by Lore#3772 on Feb 12, 2025, 7:02:10 PM