"Shaper of Storms" Ele Node Clarification?

Shocks are always minimum of 15%... but this may very well still make shocks from hits useless vs a boss? This won't effect the actual duration of the shock, so something like a 0.3 second shock (or whatever the minimum is) will be boosted to 15%, and that's all it does in this regard?

Or does it also make the minimum duration that of what a 15% shock would have to be?

I'm assuming the former, but thought I'd ask.
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 1:41:38 AM
So shock increases damage taken for a set duration. Without the node, the increase is based on hit damage as a percent of enemy life, and for bosses with high hp, if you dont hit very hard, you will get very small shocks (2%) or none at all.

With the node all hits will increase to at least 15% damage taken for 2 seconds, without further modification.

Very useful with bosses. Especially because increased shock effect or elemental ailment effect with increased duration can mean hitting a boss for 1 damage gets you 50% increased damage taken for 3 or 4 seconds.

200% increased shock effect with a 2% shock gets you only a 6% shock - or 6% increased damage taken.

200% increased shock effect with the node gets you 45% increased damage taken.

Seems pretty decent now right?

Also, it lets non-lightning hits shock, again useful.
Last edited by trixxar#2360 on Feb 11, 2025, 9:18:37 PM
Thank you for the info! So it's the best case scenario that I bet against. :S
Tested: Sorry op. You're right. I was wrong. Weirdly worded and completely messed up how insane that node is. Disregard my statements <3
Last edited by arknath#4740 on Feb 12, 2025, 1:40:44 AM
arknath#4740 wrote:
trixxar#2360 wrote:
So shock increases damage taken for a set duration. Without the node, the increase is based on hit damage as a percent of enemy life, and for bosses with high hp, if you dont hit very hard, you will get very small shocks (2%) or none at all.

With the node all hits will increase to at least 15% damage taken for 2 seconds, without further modification.

Very useful with bosses. Especially because increased shock effect or elemental ailment effect with increased duration can mean hitting a boss for 1 damage gets you 50% increased damage taken for 3 or 4 seconds.

200% increased shock effect with a 2% shock gets you only a 6% shock - or 6% increased damage taken.

200% increased shock effect with the node gets you 45% increased damage taken.

Seems pretty decent now right?

Also, it lets non-lightning hits shock, again useful.

This assumption is not correct.

200% increased shock effect with a 2 % shock with this node checked will for this example be set to 15% not 45%. It only makes sure you at minimum shock for 15%.

You are right that it makes life easier vs bosses especially for stuff that deal fast damage instead of big damage, but it only makes shocks that would get to less than 15% be set to 15% instead. So let's say you would have managed to get to 18%(6%+12(due to 200%)) with your current shock effect it still would only be 18% not 45%. To get to the numbers you describe you would have to do a bigger hit or use items/acendency node that makes you "shocks enemies as if dealing more damage"(item like voltaxic rift) (and thus eventually making the 15% irrelevant).

You are correct about base shock duration being 2 seconds though.

So you appear to be incorrect.

Easy way to check this.

I just logged in to a lvl 92 witch with no skill points allocated. No gear because I dont match stat requirements.

Buy level 1 gem. Go to tier 10 map.

Trial 1
- Use level 1 spark. No shock effect.

Trial 2
Allocate Shaper of storms.

- Use level 1 spark. Achieve 20% shock effect (15 + 25% shaper impact I guess, plus rounding. It would be 18.75% technically)

Trial 3
Allocate +100% shock effect nodes near top of the tree (Static, Breath, and the small passive near static)

-Use level 1 spark. Achieve 40% shock effect from tooltip 10 damage, with no gear.

So it does work off the 15% multiplying that by any percent shock effect or increase in non-damaging elemental ailments. Don't take my word for it, you can check it on live right now.
Last edited by trixxar#2360 on Feb 12, 2025, 12:43:40 AM
Arknath is incorrect, just treat your base shock value as 15% at all times (unless its greater).

If you have 233% increased shock/ailment effectiveness you will always apply a 50% shock even with a hit that deals 1 damage.

The chill node works in the same way
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Feb 12, 2025, 1:02:48 AM
^^modified my post. Sorry op

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