corpsewade, essence mob, and titan skeletons

so i had a character in valley of the titans equipped with corpsewade.
there was a frozen essense group of mobs, skeleton giant was a rare.

... it vanished on approach as the corpse the skeletons were... exploded via corpsewade's skill use trigger.

i remember something similar lack of loot or mobs altogether for that matter when the essence group spawn is assigned to/with the giant skeletons... just this is first time it was more clear and obvious something is wrong.

easy answer is to unequip the boots for the area but uh... this specific case of skeleton giants essence mob being bugged.
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 5:37:22 AM
There is a problem with those Giants, if they try to suicide on you the game do not drop loot, this happen for every enemy with a suicide type of attack.

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