Decrease or Remove Gold Cost in Currency Exchange
It cost me 100k gold to get 100 cheap currency items like artifice orbs. Even at super-late game, I'm having to farm quite a bit to keep up with gold needs. I'd get it if we're talking about divs or mirrors, but this cheap currency is really expensive to trade for.
I propose that there be significant (90%+) decrease in gold cost for currency exchange or doing away with gold costs for currency exchange. It's not a value-add to the game at all. Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 12:19:35 PM
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If anything the gold cost to exchange should be severely increased to limit bots ability to use the trading system... |
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" If bots can farm high-end currency faster than everyone, what makes you think you can keep them from trading by adding a fee of another currency that they can also farm faster than everyone? | |
" You don't understand. It doesn't stop bots from using the exchange. Making bots farm gold to trade prevents hundreds of thousands of bots from being able to snipe currency all day every day with zero barrier to entry. Using another currency doesn't help either because then the bot-farmer can just trade the bots thousands of transmutes or whatever the currency is. Having a non-tradeable resource tax to use the AH is imperative. |
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But that would also stop casual player from actualy be able to trade as they want and would just make them grind even more and infuriate them even more. So I totaly disagree with your point.
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But who will pay for the currency trader's mortgage? And what of the mouths to feed back home? Eggs are $6 a dozen, damnit! They need that gold!
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I have over 5 million gold at level 90, the issue is not the gold cost but that it’s based in multitude not magnitude.
It costs more to buy/sell 100,000 wisdom scrolls (barely any use at all but huge multitude) than to buy/sell 10 divine orbs (very high magnitude) and this is the wrong way around. It should cost next to nothing for the wisdom scrolls and a larger amount for the divine orbs. (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division) Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 13, 2025, 12:17:20 PM
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Seems like some items need to be adjusted. It costs 800 to buy a divine but 1000 for an Artificer's orb.
Maybe all prices should be tied directly to how rare the item is? |
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