GGG Please change this punishment on killing bosses

As it can be read already from the title... I am a bit frustrated.
Long story short:
I kill a boss when I'm at 0.000001% life and I get killed by the aura/ground effect/ slam/ blood globe etc etc etc that the boss leaves after he dies.

This has happened to be at least 8 times with different bosses.

The worst part? lost all of the loot from the boss......
I despertely need the loot, why are we getting punished like that ?

Either I am too slow to react, either I don;t have a change to rect because exactly before my attack hits the boss, he launches a one-hit attack that kills both of us at the same time and I loose my loot.....

I so needed that quarterstaff....

Picture to show my frustrtion...

Last edited by ArdeleanuG#2185 on Feb 15, 2025, 2:07:37 AM
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 2:51:11 AM
IMO after-death effects shouldn't be a thing.

Something died? Literally nothing that mob did in the past can damage you anymore: mines, spells, AoE attacks, ground effects, etc. It all should vanish/stop doing damage literally the next tick it dies.

This design only makes killing things an extremely annoying experience: kill stuff, wait 2-5 seconds to see if anything explodes, then you move forward.

Nothing feels worse than clearing your screen and dying after two steps because something exploded below you.
Mobs that put ground effects are also one of the worst. Some ground effects take 5+ seconds to vanish, and with maps being full of narrow corridors, sometimes the only option it to sit idly and wait
I agree. Having these types of ondeath effects cheapens the gameplay experience and just disrespects player involvement up until that point.

In the end, getting to a particular point requires a time investment. Dying to something just randomly or after you bested that trial, is taking a shit on all of the work you put in to kill that boss and the time spent to get there.
Photoshop ish mah life !
In before the trolls arrive to say that "after-death one shots are good, ackshually"
In before the trolls arrive to say that "after-death one shots are good, ackshually"

What the bet it will be one the 5 forum trolls who ALWAYS come on here to do precisely that?


I so needed that quarterstaff....

Hey. That does suck big time.

Hook me up in game, I'll give you a few decent staffs for free.
EffKayZA#1861 wrote:

I so needed that quarterstaff....

Hey. That does suck big time.

Hook me up in game, I'll give you a few decent staffs for free.

Thank you brother, you are a legend for this! Huge respect!!!

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