Feedback about uncut gems

So after the novelty of finding gems has worn off, I have noticed a few issues.

Low level uncut spirit gems are stupidly expensive in trade & hard to get access to after you pass that area during leveling, as uncut gems only give you skills AT the level they dropped at. This means if I want a low level uncut spirit gem in SSF, I have to go to a low level area and farm (which is dumb & highly improbable to focus farm a drop) and introduces this VERY weird issue where I can't buy spirit gems while leveling and any I find is like suddenly finding 150 exalts (uncut level 8 spirit gem). Endgame builds should not affect the cost of leveling a character in trade.

At this point I think either a currency needs to be introduced to level up gems, or allow players to select the level they want from an uncut gem to be AT or BELLOW the uncut gems level, as this would solve the bizarre issue with trade and enable better build freedom.

Please consider one of these or other solutions for these problems. It's not appropriate for players to be forced to choose between gaining an aura while level & an insanely large currency payout in trade.
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Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 10:58:43 AM
100% agree with this. When I was new, I made over 1000 Exalted just by flipping level 8 uncut spirit gems. That shouldn't be possible for basic leveling gems.

The current system makes it frustrating to acquire basic skills while leveling, especially in SSF. Needing to re-farm old zones for low-level gems feels like punishment. Even in trade league, seeing a level 8 gem drop feels like winning the lottery instead of getting a useful skill.

Either letting us downgrade gems or adding a way to adjust their level would solve so many issues. Hope the devs consider fixing this
The whole system is a travesty.

First, this whole "uncut gem" nonsense. We're not doing anything with it, it's just a skill gem, period. Please stop making things sound like there would be any form of crafting or artisanry in this game. There isn't, it's all just a giant casino simulator with nothing but layers of slot machines all over the place.

Secondly, a system where I can't level up my skill by playing, even if I play it for 100 hours straight, but where I can instead level any skill to a superior level to the skills I'm actually playing by simply randomly finding it on the floor is outright terrible.

Relying on getting lucky to "find" a skill upgrade is yet another lever for the devs to control player progress.

The more rng there is in a game, there more agency is taken away from players and placed in the developers' hands. That's the whole reason why every game is turning into a slot machine, the devs want to manipulate drop chances as they see fit, in case players progress at an unintended pace.
Yeah, I don't like it, either.

PoE1's system wasn't perfect, because why would gems you just happen to carry along gain experience? But you could count on your main skills to be on roughly the appropriate level for an area.

I would prefer a system that is probably not unique to the Discworld MUD, but I know it from that game.
A skill (and in case of PoE any linked support) gains a little XP when you use it.
This is, especially for passive skills like auras, a bit harder to implement than PoE2's or PoE1's current system. But it would make more sense.
And if we can't have that, then I'd much prefer PoE1's system over those uncut gems.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
I had the same experience of looking for a LVL8 Spirit Gem, even though it was already in mapping.

An idea I thought of: GGG seems to have really liked the idea of ​​Uncut Gems, they could then implement a craft involving these gems:

-A way for us to transform Uncut into Gem Shard
LVL 1 Skill Gem - 1 shard
Lvl 10 Skill Gem - 10 Shards

-A Craft based on these shards
Spirit Gem, Gem Lvl * 10 Shards, for example a Spirit Gem LVL8 would cost 80 Shards, which would be the equivalent of sacrificing 8 Skill Gems lvl 10, or 6 Skill Gem lvl 14

Support Gem, Gem Lvl * 25 Shards, for example a Support Gem LVL3 would cost 75 Shards, which would be the equivalent of sacrificing 8 Skill Gems lvl 10, or 6 Skill Gem lvl 14

There could even be a way to create a Gemcutter's Prism, at a cost of 100 shards

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