Ggg need to remake act 3

Act 3 is most boring act ever in entire arpg history
İ have played too many arpg s and never get bored this much
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 4:58:20 PM
second u
I can't be more agree! Everything about this act (Act 3) is bad. It's long, the maps are boring and unnecessarily huge, and the story is just stitched. It feels disconnected. The waterways map is a pathway to depression and suicide, and the portals are just weird. Accessing the first part of the act is buggy, and the second part (past vs. future) demonstrates bad design.
For me Jungle Ruins and Infested Barrens are worst parts of the Act 3. You dont have teleport near the starting point, you need to search all the entrances to the other maps in those hella big maps (there is no use to memorize the way because both maps are randmoly generated)
Then there is Venom Crypts, a side map basically where you need to find a certain potions for Servi and one of the permanent buffs you getting as the reward. Why is this map is so damn large? I dunno. This side quest becoming an torture almost instantly.
Later on is Apex of the Filth. A big damn maze nonetheless.

Man I am definitely worried for Act4-6 maps.
I liked all the acts and maps. The map design is much better than in the first game.
Act 3 is an abomination that was clearly stretched out so they can claim to have a substantial content offering at the early access release.

It's the most boring and infuriatingly & needlessly long bunch of maps I've seen as a gamer.
I like Act 3 as others. Except Titan dung in act 2 which is boring and no enemies, just running.
Act 3 is beautiful, however I can't really enjoy the view with my 1660ti... technical issues the main problem for me in games. to see that people get crushes with 4090 makes me more upset.
In my opinion, the only bad part about Act 3 was Waterways and splitting the map into past and present. I thoroughly enjoyed everything else.
My only issue with A3 was how insanely large the maps were and how much backtracking had to be done constantly.
What about act 2? They added an extra loading screen to go to each waypoint. I can't imagine a more obvious way to waste players time other than the well. They have to think people are just stupid enough to play anything nowadays.

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