About scammer players

I've noticed that the same player has been engaging in trade scamming for days under the pretense of selling the Morior Invictus Grand Regalia. I've reported them multiple times, yet they are still actively scamming. It's really frustrating to see this happening. They consistently list the lowest price but swap the item during the trade. The player's name is [Removed by Support]. Anyone reading this who wants to test it, feel free to try.

I sincerely ask the developers to implement an in-game market system to prevent such scams.
Last edited by Edmund_GGG#4844 on Feb 20, 2025, 3:07:06 AM
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 6:14:19 AM
Scamming? Bad - for countless of reasons. Naming and shaming on the forums? Also bad - for countless of reasons. Prepare to be censored.

Scammers should be permabanned. No question about this. But the moment the forums becomes a pillory, where one doesn't need to bring any proof, or where "proof" can be manufactured, shared with bad intentions or just plain lies, we're in big trouble.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
they dont need implent any ingame market to prevent scams if people would actually hover over the items in the trade before they buy an item they would never get scammed its their own fault for getting scammed becuz they are just dumb
Deviant#8289 wrote:
they dont need implent any ingame market to prevent scams if people would actually hover over the items in the trade before they buy an item they would never get scammed its their own fault for getting scammed becuz they are just dumb

I agree; the only one preventing you from being scammed is yourself. That doesn't mean that we should welcome, nor encourage people to intentionally try to scam people. The act itself should be bannable - that is the only way to get rid of this behavior so they can stop wasting our time.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Deviant#8289 wrote:
they dont need implent any ingame market to prevent scams if people would actually hover over the items in the trade before they buy an item they would never get scammed its their own fault for getting scammed becuz they are just dumb

What a ridiculous and ruthless comment. You do realize that we are human, right? This has happened to me maybe 50 times, and I noticed it every single time. But this time, I was momentarily distracted and lost 100 divine currency. The item's stats were supposed to be all the same numbers, with Attribute + Elemental Resistance, but when I bought it, I realized it was Elemental + Global Defense instead.

Also, why does the report system even exist in this game then? Doesn't something that exists in the game need to have a function?

Right now, as of this minute, this player is still scamming others by selling Morior Invictus Grand (Attribute + Elemental Resistance) Regalia.

To be honest, I don’t think GGG will even care about this, but the scam I fell for today has seriously reduced the enjoyment I get from the game.
Deviant#8289 wrote:
they dont need implent any ingame market to prevent scams if people would actually hover over the items in the trade before they buy an item they would never get scammed its their own fault for getting scammed becuz they are just dumb

What a ridiculous and ruthless comment. You do realize that we are human, right? This has happened to me maybe 50 times, and I noticed it every single time. But this time, I was momentarily distracted and lost 100 divine currency. The item's stats were supposed to be all the same numbers, with Attribute + Elemental Resistance, but when I bought it, I realized it was Elemental + Global Defense instead.

nothing ridicilous about it or ruthless lmao its common sense and did you really just told me you got scammed like this already 50 times? like you realize you actually need to hover over the item to even be able to lock in the trade if you hovered over it and still didnt see it was the wrong item its your own fault you refused to look at the item stats intentionally
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Feb 19, 2025, 3:28:14 PM
it's a game with free accounts. scammers just open new ones after they got banned.

if there is a technical solution to prevent scamming, ggg should implement it like not being able to open the trade screen in quick successions.

any automated trade would also always automate the scamming.


just watch the trade screen and if you trade high value items just watch it even more closely and not less
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
scamming is a feature of POE. if GGG didnt like scams happening, they literally can do a buttload of things to handle it. but they dont.

embrace it.
[Removed by Support]
I mean there is no way to handle something like this, as its just your word vs theirs. As far as we know you just don't like the person and want to get them banned.

If I had to guess you're the one scamming and trying to get someone else removed so you can make more money.

There's a reason why you have to hover and check the items. If you trade for the wrong one it's your own fault, not GGG's or anyone else's. Gotta stop relying on other people to stop you from being dumb. They have the hover action in place, nothing else is needed for anyone with common sense.
Last edited by rrogan17#2926 on Feb 20, 2025, 6:14:57 AM

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