Best/ fastest way to get ghostwrithe armour?

So I’m playing HC SSF and in middle of act 2 cruel. I’m in an issue my ES is pretty low even with quite a few ES notes. I been trying to find a vender or normal/aug a chest but haven’t hit.

Is there a good way to target farm ghostwrite or oakworm shield? I lm hurting for chaos rest too.

Any advice appreciated.

Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 5:33:56 PM
Use the trade feature... a Ghostwrithe shouldnt cost more than a few exalted or chaos orbs, I wouldnt think. It's fairly easy and if you are mindful of being prepared, can make that transaction happen pretty quickly.
Hondo42#9683 wrote:
Use the trade feature... a Ghostwrithe shouldnt cost more than a few exalted or chaos orbs, I wouldnt think. It's fairly easy and if you are mindful of being prepared, can make that transaction happen pretty quickly.

He is playing SSF as he literally says in the first line lmao.

@OP: I don't think there is a way to target farm it. Just luck.
Saddly it seems nigh impossible in PoE2 atm to get any level appropriate uniques. My first ghostwhirthe probably dropped at like lvl 80 or so. It's not super rare, had probably 10 drops so far (lvl 96 atm). But don't hold your breath for finding one.

Edit: I looked it up, you could use Orb of Chance on white Tattered Robes and hope to get lucky. Chances shouldn't be too bad there.
Last edited by Slart1bartfast#0332 on Feb 19, 2025, 4:27:50 PM
You could try the gambling npc
Hondo42#9683 wrote:
Use the trade feature... a Ghostwrithe shouldnt cost more than a few exalted or chaos orbs, I wouldnt think. It's fairly easy and if you are mindful of being prepared, can make that transaction happen pretty quickly.

He is playing SSF as he literally says in the first line lmao.

@OP: I don't think there is a way to target farm it. Just luck.
Saddly it seems nigh impossible in PoE2 atm to get any level appropriate uniques. My first ghostwhirthe probably dropped at like lvl 80 or so. It's not super rare, had probably 10 drops so far (lvl 96 atm). But don't hold your breath for finding one.

Edit: I looked it up, you could use Orb of Chance on white Tattered Robes and hope to get lucky. Chances shouldn't be too bad there.

My mistake! I wasn't paying enough attention!
Ok I ended up getting one. By…

Farming Beira for gambling charges. Stacking rarity vendering yellows. Found a widows hail and pillar as drops.

Making a lvl 2 character to gamble ES chests.. I’d say it took about 150 gambles.

Oaksworm next
so every 5 time u kill u create a new char becouse to hit lvl 2 is prety easy
so every 5 time u kill u create a new char becouse to hit lvl 2 is prety easy

The gamble charges transfer between characters.

So lvl 2 alt character to gamble

Usually my Beira farmer is lvl 7

For anyone wondering oaksworm took about 100 gambles. Note you need to be lvl 7 to gamble the oaksworm

With these numbers I’m guessing I got extremely lucky
Last edited by lolbam#6898 on Feb 28, 2025, 5:15:17 PM
To maximize the range of efficiency (the amount of "feel good", "so lucky" feeling), I think recreating character on each the bloated miller is the way to go. (gambling method would be an additional option of this to maximize the range further)
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

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Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 28, 2025, 5:38:04 PM

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