Howd i die?

Never thought id make one of these threads, i generally know how i died, but this one, i dont.

Running Trial of Sekehemas, with the Vase Relic(to get timelost diamond)

As a CI Monk, i hit the worst possible affliction, no energyshield, was like screw it, imma keep pushing. Got to the scorpion boss, killed him, no problems.

Opened the door to the final floor to start running it, stepped through the portal, spawned, and died. Just, dropped dead in front of the portal.

I didnt have any "take damage after floor completion" affliction, so im legitmately not sure how i died, walked through the portal, died, never even got to start a trial room.
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 7:51:09 AM
i get instant death from nothing, pure air just with t15map.
This is annoying in PoE2.
Well it looks like they put random mob/elite with one kill shoot during the game. The worst is the higher you go the more often they appear. It can be anything: poison, smoke frost ...anything which touch you.
it can be related also with kind of sort of bug/glimpse in game.
Gunna need like...a complete build layout to understand that. Every piece of gear, passive point, affixes on the trials...1 hp runs are no joke :D
you die by logging in
We've been asking for a death/damage recap in POE1 for over a decade to at least let us see the details as to what caused your death. If GGG hasn't made one there, I have little hope they will make one for POE2. Tired of the lame excuses they give every time someone brings it up. If other games can do it, there is no reason GGG can't. I think the reality is that they just don't want to do it. In this day and age its inexcusable to not have one.
We've been asking for a death/damage recap in POE1 for over a decade to at least let us see the details as to what caused your death. If GGG hasn't made one there, I have little hope they will make one for POE2. Tired of the lame excuses they give every time someone brings it up. If other games can do it, there is no reason GGG can't. I think the reality is that they just don't want to do it. In this day and age its inexcusable to not have one.

I mean, I'm not opposed to having this sort of feature included in a game, but I'm running an extremely dated 1060 GTX (3GB) and it includes a set of tools for capturing game footage...

The reason you're not already taking advantage of this solution is because it consumes HD space... how many devs are they laying off to afford the server that hosts umpteen thousands of TB to capture that much footage/data on the server b/c we won't use our own video cards? How long do you want there to be between leagues/updates?
Last edited by Th3Fall3n0n3#6762 on Feb 21, 2025, 8:55:53 PM
I think everyone is semi misunderstanding where i died lol.

So i killed the scorpion boss, opened the door next to Balbala, walked through, clicked on the portal, loaded into the room, and died instantly. No monsters, no fighting, died at the portal before the map to set up the room rofl.

Hence my confusion on my death, i wasn't fighting anything, i was in the safe zone
i don't know. use your imagination

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