Balance is out of Control
Some quick fixes might be:
General Nerfs Similar active Skillgems (e.g. 2x Bell) cannot be used more than once per character. Bell Drastically decreased the damage of the Bell. Increased Bell hitbox (to make it easier to hit). 5% Bigger Bell? xD Elemental Ailments from the Bell have 100% increased effect. (to compensate the loss of dmg in terms of freeze buildup n' stuff) Archmage needs a complete rework, or maybe do this: No more added percentage Lightning damage per Mana. (otherwise its a nobrainer to take atm) Now grants 2 to 4% increased Effect of Elemental Ailments (magnitude of Ignite/Shock; lower threshold for Electrocute) per 100 Mana. Level grants less mana cost. This way more builds could make use of it... Hammer of the Gods feels mandatory on every mace build (feelsbad) Now deals 10% less damage. 60% less damage with all ailments. Has 10% more AoE. Gives 80% more Stun threshold while attacking. Mana cost at higher levels reduced. Bow Gas Arrow Fire Explosion (and Skeletal Sniper Gas Arrow) cannot be (pre-)stacked anymore. Instead, additional Gas Arrow hits increase the Gas AoE by 10% up to 40%. Lightning Rods now have a slight activation delay between "rod-pulses" (to reduce CPU% load) and deal significantly less damage. Crossbows High velocity rounds don't consume "Fully Broken Armour" anymore (similar to Shockburst rounds). Shockburst rounds deal less damage. Occult Skeletal Warrior costs less Spirit. Unearth: Bone Construct duration is now 20 seconds. Raise Zombie duration is now 30 seconds. Vulnerability Added: 10% Chance to Bleed. Added: 10-30% increased magnitude of Bleed. Detonate Dead Now deals 13% of corpse's maximum life, but has higher fire damage scaling. Skeletal Brute 25% less maximum life. Crossbow Galvanic Shards cannot shock anymore; now causes electrocute buildup. Elemental Spark cannot shock anymore; now causes electrocute buildup. Grim Feast Dont kill it via nerf, but add some "investment costs": Overflows only up to 50% ES; 70% with max Quality; up to 100% via new (fictional) Passive Tree "Essence Vampire" notable (+20% overflow, 2x travel nodes 5%). 33% less ES recovery (Quality doesn't improve this anymore). Herald of Ice Decreased damage by a huge magnitude but freezes enemies as though dealing the same magnitude more damage. With good gear, Herald of Ice works similarly to now, but only on low-tier maps (T1-T5). Past that it mostly freezes stuff. Herald of Thunder No longer deals significant damage but electrocutes in a great AoE (around the Thunderstrike Impact) and causes heavy stun buildup to the target of the Thunderstrike. With good gear, Herald of Thunder works similarly to now, but only on low-tier maps (T1-T5). Past that it mostly stuns & electrocutes stuff. Best regards ArC "Meine Lippen bewegen sich, also red' ich noch!" Last edited by ArChanum#2445 on Feb 22, 2025, 8:22:59 AM Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 5:25:57 AM
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And what was the motivation behind?
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The motivation behind the post
was to tune down overpowered builds & abilites, so that all ppl have to suffer, as much as i have, with my zeroDPS builds xD. "Meine Lippen bewegen sich, also red' ich noch!" Last edited by ArChanum#2445 on Feb 22, 2025, 10:22:06 AM
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The problem with your approach, which is actually what I believe GGG will roughly do, is that if you nerf all the viable builds, we really don't have a lot of good builds to fall back on.
For example, if you nerf Hammer of the Gods, then you almost need to rework melee and buff a lot of other stuff. IMO melee Titan builds are in a terrible spot. The same goes for a lot of other nerfs. If you nerf spark and archmage into the ground, where does that leave Stormweaver? They already gutted cast-on-crit + comet... |
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Stop worrying about other people wanting to feel overpowered. Focus on fixing the actual game. |
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Yeah the same "nerf everything" crap like Diablo did it all along...
Why make the Fun stuff weaker and not Implement MORE Fun stuff hm? Because it needs work to be done! Sorry but just nerfing everything and make the Poor Endgame even more Boring.. I´m just out and won´t care anymore, just like they won´t care. Last edited by Wolfsgeist84#9693 on Feb 22, 2025, 2:01:04 PM
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I agree that things need a rebalance, but your changes are mostly awful
Like Archmage needs a nerf, but your change might as well remove it from the game since no one would use that Hammer of Gods feels mandatory because most other mace skills are just not good, nerfing something solely because it's used is an awful way to do balance There are cases where something is used because it's too good (Archmage) but making so there's no reason to ever use the skill isn't particularly good balance, why do you want to have skills in the game that shouldn't be used? And there are cases where something is used because everything else is bad (Hammer of Gods and, ironically enough, also Archmage) nerfing things because they're the least worse option makes so there are only bad options to pick from You can't just blindly use the nerf hammer and make every skill bad and hope that the game will be better Your best change was making Skeletal Warriors cheaper and they'd still not be used, the problem isn't that they cost too much spirit it's that they're just bad minions and they could cost 5 spirit a pop at level 20 and they'd still not be used |
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So let me get this straight
You want the bell to be nerfed? Why?! The bell was the only thing that helped me through act 1& 2 until i finally managed to take the charged staff around the end of the Act3 So basically , I invested 30 hours because Malee/Monk is raugh to play for a few hours, and the only thing that helps is the bell, and if that gets nerfed, then I won;t play the monk anymore so no thank you. What needs to be balanced is the difference of minibossess and bosses through acts. One boss focuses on fire, the other one focuses on ice and so on It took me 27 attempts to beat Count of Ogham in Act1....27 god damn attempts..why nerf the bell? Just because in the end game the bell is "overpowered" ?! Nah man..sorry but I do not agree with the bell nerfing. I appreciate your effort and time you put into this post, I really do. But nerfing the bell is not the best option honestly. Nerfing the Ice strike or charged staff is not the way to go either. The ice strike, charged staff and the tempest bell nees to stay the way they are Maybe increase the hitbox of the bell a bit, but that's all! Last edited by ArdeleanuG#2185 on Feb 22, 2025, 3:03:15 PM
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" "Necro tears" For almost a half decade, i remember every single nerf to necro's being "aww delicious, beautiful necro tears" -- People only are concerned with fucking over other people. Nobody is concerned with themselves, they're concerned with you not having a drop more fun then they do, and if so, you must be taken from. "Meta shakeup" is one of the worst things people want, it's literally just deciding to get balls deep in someone elses business. The worst offender I remember was (WAS) Grimro. He called for meta shakeups constantly and played 1 fucking build exclusively -- why the fuck do you care about a meta shakeup when it will only affect those around you -- not your goddamn business. |
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The "nerfs" mostly target abilites which trivialize the Game (e.g. oneshotting Bosses & Rares).
Bossfights might take up to 3 minutes instead of 3 seconds, but this is intended. " Interesting, i thought the opposite; in Terms of overall Game Balance (and from what my understanding is of how GGG invisions the Game) the "Mace-Skilgem-set" seemed to be one of the most fitting to me. Jumping into Enemies ("Leap Slam" -> Stun em') and then "Boneshatter" (to popp em') was fun gameplay (at least for me; i used a very fast 1-hand-mace, btw.) Charging a "Perfect Strike" to tigger a huge Ignite on bigger targets was challenging & fun too! "Summoning" Thors-Hammer on the other hand, and just see the target is running out of the "Hammer-of-the-Gods-Area" (or its just getting stunned out) - was not so fun. Its not even a "real" melee skill either (more like a long range - "Nuke"). I still use it, because the Damage (and the DoT) is just too high too ditch. @Stormweaver Imho just "spamming" Spark to clear the game is a bit too simple gameplay compared to better balanced Skillgem-Setups (e.g. Mace). It would be perfectly fine if u can spam Spark to "Stun/disable/electrocute" the whole screen of enemies, and after that u need a "Payload-Skill" to make the screen "popp". With the current Archmage implementation this is not necessary thou (u just kill everthing with Spark+Archmage without the need of actual gameplay). " Well, imho GGG rly messed up the overall Gamebalance; and to fix it, huge! nerfs are necessary imho. On the other hand, a lot of other skillgems need serious buffs too; so i the end there should be more playable builds. " ye, u might be right; but atm i dont have another idea to change Archmage to a better state (imho it rly needs to change thou!) Maybe someone has a better idea? " Cause it does way too much dmg. With a good setup Bosses die in seconds... (iam OK with the freeze n' other ailment stuff thou) " Hm, afaik the Monk skillgem Setup (Quarterstaff) need a huge rework overall: e.g. Charge Generation mechanics are in a rly bad spot too! People atm just "circumvent" this issue via a cheap fix: "Resonance"-Keystone and "Combat Frenzy". " Thats true for sure, iam atm "hard-stuck" at "Cruel Viper Napuatzi" with my Essence Drain + Contagion Acolyte of Chayula with lvl65 in HCSSF. pls send help! xD " Act 1 on Monk is rly rough, i agree! (especially the first 14 levels before Ice Strike) -> A rework is needed! " iam pretty OK with any kinda of change, when the game is better afterwards. In the current state of the Game playing a build which does base on either "Herald of Ice / Herald of Thunder" Mechanics or "Archmage" Mechanics (or maybe Minions - idk about that - i just played em up to lvl58 to be able to explode em via DD xD) is a pretty "free win" atm. (which needs to change imho) Best regards ArC "Meine Lippen bewegen sich, also red' ich noch!" Last edited by ArChanum#2445 on Feb 23, 2025, 4:47:57 AM
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