Some positive feedback

Hello team,

I'd just like to say you did an awesome job with this game. No game has been able to captivate me like this since Diablo 3. And that game had a very short-lived peak. PoE 2 so far matches D3's peak, and it's only in Early Access!

What I love about it:
- Campaign is good. The story was captivting, I really enjoyed the story telling and dialogues. High quality stuff, especially for an ARPG.

- Campaign really is good. The pacing was just right and I felt rewarded for exploring every corner of the areas.

- Difficulty is good, but maybe a bit hit or miss. Like a crazy girlfriend, if her looks aren't appealing enough you won't take as much difficulty. This game, fortunately enough, is very good looking :). It was certainly a nice change in pace to be challenged, coming from Diablo games. I really felt like I achieved something killing the snake lady and Doryani on cruel.

- Gear progression feels incredible. I could get constant upgrades from trading and actually farm some good stuff myself. It took 250 hours to hit a wall, and that's really just me refusing to do the highroller strats. Not my playstyle, and there's no need. My build is lit and I got there in a way I enjoy.

- Combat is in-cre-di-ble. Beautiful graphics, satisfying skills, snappy gameplay. And most of all engaging. Even with a powerful build, you have to play smart and pay attention to all the variables.

- Build diversity; this is the big one for me. I could swap builds without investing too much. This allowed me to explore some mechanics that actually blew my mind. Builds here are not at all gear dependent. And the build defining items are usually in good supply, not expensive at all. There's a lot of creative stuff going on in the community, and whenever my build feels stale, someone on Reddit is doing something crazy enough to want to try it out myself.

There's lots more. This is my new main game and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your efforts.

Keep it up guys. I'm rooting for ya! Very excited for all the content to come

Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 11:21:36 PM
I'll add to this --

The controller play is amazing. While that matters to very very few of us, I, as a person with hand problems, likely wouldn't be able to play WASD, and was absolutely pissed it would be unplayable for me.

But the controller is actually a GOOD experience. I'd even opt for it in POE 1 but i'm not sure it would translate as well.
I'd like to tack on to this to bring it the attention it deserves, the monumental degree of complexity and diversity of monster AI going on under the hood. If you take the time to appreciate it, you'll find that every single monster in the game has a different behaviour set, ranging from mindless rushing to tactical range keeping to self defense, and much more. It's really quite profoundly impressive.
Cloak#2454 wrote:
Hello team,

I'd just like to say you did an awesome job with this game. No game has been able to captivate me like this since Diablo 3. And that game had a very short-lived peak. PoE 2 so far matches D3's peak, and it's only in Early Access!

What I love about it:
- Campaign is good. The story was captivting, I really enjoyed the story telling and dialogues. High quality stuff, especially for an ARPG.

- Campaign really is good. The pacing was just right and I felt rewarded for exploring every corner of the areas.

- Difficulty is good, but maybe a bit hit or miss. Like a crazy girlfriend, if her looks aren't appealing enough you won't take as much difficulty. This game, fortunately enough, is very good looking :). It was certainly a nice change in pace to be challenged, coming from Diablo games. I really felt like I achieved something killing the snake lady and Doryani on cruel.

- Gear progression feels incredible. I could get constant upgrades from trading and actually farm some good stuff myself. It took 250 hours to hit a wall, and that's really just me refusing to do the highroller strats. Not my playstyle, and there's no need. My build is lit and I got there in a way I enjoy.

- Combat is in-cre-di-ble. Beautiful graphics, satisfying skills, snappy gameplay. And most of all engaging. Even with a powerful build, you have to play smart and pay attention to all the variables.

- Build diversity; this is the big one for me. I could swap builds without investing too much. This allowed me to explore some mechanics that actually blew my mind. Builds here are not at all gear dependent. And the build defining items are usually in good supply, not expensive at all. There's a lot of creative stuff going on in the community, and whenever my build feels stale, someone on Reddit is doing something crazy enough to want to try it out myself.

There's lots more. This is my new main game and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your efforts.

Keep it up guys. I'm rooting for ya! Very excited for all the content to come


Agree with all this. This game brought be back to playing ARPGs which I hadn't since D2. It's not like there are not other great games to play but somehow PoE 2 has got my attention above all. Really looking forward to this game growing and becoming bigger with more stuff to do and I'm sure the next update will satisfy.
I do really think this game is a masterpiece, but in its early stages. It has lots of wonderfull points but have to polish a lot in others.


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