Elemental Resistances - End Game and Mapping

I've searched but haven't seen a direct answer. Here are the questions:

1) Is there a 10% elemental resistance penalty for T6-T10 maps and another 10% penalty for T11-T16 maps (tool tip says there is)?
2) If so, would we expect that to be reflected in the resistances on the character screen?

As I sit in my hideout I have the following resistances:
Fire - 90% (75% max) - I'm 15 over
Cold - 88% (75% max) - I'm 13 over
Lightening - 99% (75% max) - I'm 24 over

I see the 60% elemental resistance penalty compared to Act I (If I got to act 1, my fire res goes up to 150%)

When I got to a T15 map, I see the same resistances on my character screen as above. This is where I'm unsure of what's actually happening.


Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 5:33:47 PM
Hi! I found some information about this on the poe2db website!


Based on that chart that I linked, you wont start incurring penalties for resist until Tier 16 unless the waystone has a mod on it for lower resist of course.

Edit: See post below by seaman#4993, the above information is incorrect.
Last edited by Shadazard#3799 on Feb 24, 2025, 12:22:45 PM
0.1.0e Patch Notes
Maps no longer have additional elemental resistance penalties inherently applied at Tier 6 and Tier 11 or higher Maps. It is now consistent across all of the Endgame at the same value as it was previously at Tier 1.
seaman#4993 wrote:
0.1.0e Patch Notes
Maps no longer have additional elemental resistance penalties inherently applied at Tier 6 and Tier 11 or higher Maps. It is now consistent across all of the Endgame at the same value as it was previously at Tier 1.

Thanks for the clarification!!

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