real-money trading website bot spamming

I've created a thread that was deleted and I sent an email to support regarding this matter and consistently flag the spamming.

It's tantamount to harassment now, that affects the enjoyment and gameplay.

Please can there be a concerted effort to address this spamming of offers.

Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 4:30:47 PM
You think there is any truth to the whole "Tencent is on both sides of this" rumor? Specifically, that they are making money from the bots and want to protect them?

At first, I thought it was pretty clear this was the case, but then I saw how slow GGG is at implementing any fixes at all, so it's not clear to me if it's on purpose or they just can't do anything within a reasonable timeframe.

Last edited by meLonCucumis#7606 on Feb 26, 2025, 4:09:03 PM
Watch what you say. If you suggest that certain gaming companies are doing nothing about/benefiting from certain 3rd party activities they delete your comment. Interesting...

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