A few improvement suggestions

Hello, long time (since 2014) PoE casual player here, with many thousands of hours invested. I have read quite a few threads, complaining about current state of PoE 2, and, while I agree with many, I will try to make some suggestions on how to improve the game, instead of complaining. I must admit, I have only made quick search through forums, so some of them may already be suggested. I will focus on things that are most important to make game fun, attractive and worth investing my time into.

Player/Game progression
Current game progression does not feel as it is rewarding and interesting. Especially after reaching level 100 (which I only managed to do once in all those years (in Settlers), I usually quit soon after reaching level 90, because of required grind, that is ruined by XP loss on death). So, to make progress continuous, I suggest:
- Introduce “veteran” points after level 100 (when you have collected all the skill points). You gain “veteran” points with XP, as normal skill points, but with more or less linear (not very steep) progression.
- Spend these “veteran” points in passive tree for 5% node increase, max 20x for small passives, max 10x for large (so if you spend 20 “veteran” points in a small passive tree that gets you added 5 intelligence, it will then give you 10 intelligence).
- Spend them on items (max 10 times) to increase random affix by 10%, item must be rare with min. 6 affixes, if necessary make “veteraned” items untradable and ungiftable.

Atlas maps (endgame)
- Make maps re-enterable after death (up to 5 times), but make re-entry a gold sink (pay 1000 gold for first re-entry, 2000 for second, ...) or invent a new currency that enables re-entry, with relatively high drop rates and purchasable at vendors.
- Finally ditch XP loss on death, OR if you really must keep it, at least make it fair (lose min(10%, XP gained in the current map), but NEVER lower your XP below what it was, when you first entered the map.
- Drop monster respawning on death to prevent spamming loot and XP when re-entering maps (like PoE1).
- Put a (random?) boss in every map (I don’t understand, why you bragged about hundreds of new bosses, when we almost never see them) and make killing a boss a requirement for map completion (alone OR combined with the current requirement of killing rare monsters).
- If map completion requires killing the boss AND rare monsters, make it so that each killed rare monster weakens the boss to incentivize killing rares first and boss last.
- Replace the tablet affix which puts a boss into a map, with affix, that makes the boss stronger (by 10 - 50 %), but also make their dropped loot 10 - 50 % better in quality in quantity.

- Invent (or borrow from PoE1 and other games) some sort of deterministic (yet with some degree of randomness) crafting, using currencies and/or gold.
- Balance affix crafting with currencies and gold (more powerful or higher tier affixes are more expensive).
- Perhaps something similar to a mix of crafting bench in PoE1 and rune-smithing table in PoE1 Settlers in Kingsmarch, but enable it to craft any affix, not just special ones.
- Make lower-tier currencies purchasable at vendors for gold, similar to PoE1.
- Reintroduce scouring orbs.
- You could introduce something similar to idols in Last Epoch to help mitigate life, mana and resistances issues; right now, these must be solved through gear mainly, meaning losing precious affixes there. I know, there are also jewels, but they require you to compromise passive skill tree (I have seen many builds omitting major passive skill nodes, just to get more jewel sockets, which somewhat defeats the purpose of passive skill tree).
-- There are also charms, but they don't cover these needs. Perhaps reworked charms system, where charm slots are not dependent on belts, but could gain up to 12 slots from the initial one through gameplay as rewards or some other mechanic (like special "slot" trials) and would also include new kind of non-triggerable charms (or even jewels?) with life, mana, resistances modifiers

- Reintroduce skill and support gem leveling progression with XP, as in PoE1, to make additional progression incentive.
- Reintroduce adding quality to the support gems, not just skill gems. Support gem at level 1 could have 50 % effect, which increases to 100 % (as is currently), when it reaches level 20.
- Make uncut gems with different quality levels (max 15) instead of skill levels to make them more valuable (when cutting gems, they get the quality of the uncut gem). In best case, you will still need to upgrade quality from 15 to 20 with gemcutter orbs. So, always level skill and support gems from level 1 with XP, as in PoE1.
- This kind of leveling with XP and having quality on uncut gems will boost your progression incentive and also make skill, support and uncut gems more valuable for trading.

- When hovering over a map in the world atlas (endgame), let pressing Alt key display the map's additional properties (if any), not just having icons above the map (I can never remember what all the icons mean and must constantly open the legend and then search for little icons, which is very annoying).
- Properties should also display the boss name, if it is predetermined.
- Make inventory larger by 20% by default or at least as a quest or act completion reward.
- Auto picking up loot:
-- Add a filter option that ticks an item as auto-lootable (similar to the sound option in filters).
-- Display auto-lootable items with double bottom border to differentiate them from other loot items.
-- Auto loot all auto-lootable items in radius (like gold) OR
-- implement multi-loot: when you click any item to loot, also pick all other auto-lootable items in radius (with this method it is easier to implement inventory full exception).
- Display the item title, according to the filter (maybe with the pressed Alt key) when hovering the mouse over an item in inventory and stash (now, when I have inventory full of loot, I can never remember what loot is better, so I must hover over each item AND read the affixes to determine) OR
- at least enable dropping items in the hideout on the floor, so I can see filter texts, like you do in PoE1 Kingsmarch in Settlers (this is required to see the filtered item display), if so, you can only drop items in your own hideout and you are the only one that can pick them up.
- When filtering in stash, make stash tabs, that don't contain filtered items, hidden or at least disabled and dimmed and perhaps display the number of filtered items in each stash tab.
- Enable filtering in inventory.
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 4:32:50 AM

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