Tablet buffs from Atlas after respeccing ???

I put points in Atlas to buff Tablets (like "Enigmatic Intensification") and those small nodes +8% increase effect of Precursor Tablets.
Than i use tablets on towers to juice maps.
Than i remove those tablet points from Atlas and put them somewhere else.

1. Now will the Tablet buffs from Atlas be still in effect to those maps i juiced BEFORE i removed the Tablet buffs from Atlas?

2. OR will map buffs be calculated (buffs from tablets, Atlas, waystone buffs...) when i ENTER the map? Meaning i need to have those Tablet buffs from ATLAS activive to gain those buffs ?

How does this work?
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 2:01:59 PM
AFAIK and from what I noticed, buffs happens when you enter the map.
Tech guy

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