Contagion feels terrible

Contagion has been changed from poe1 to only affect a single enemy, which is a massive issue as it is the only way to hit a lot of targets on a chaos spell DoT build. Unleash is non-optional for it and it isn't even that good with unleash because you have to constantly wait for it to gain seals. This is made worse when playing on controller as you cannot consistently target the enemy that has essence drain on it.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of large area AoEs in the game. For Essence drain builds to lack decent clear options is a large issue.

It is made even worse by the fact that there are no generic DoT on tree, making scaling very difficult for things like contagion(the only DoT on tree is specifically for ailments, poison or for ignite - nothing applies to generic DoTs or debuffs damage). Also witch has zero ascendancies that are good with chaos damage or damage over time.

So in summary, contagion not only feels really bad to use, it also has terrible clear due to its clunky usage, and has bad damage due to lack of support on the tree.
Last edited by doombybbr#6074 on Feb 27, 2025, 2:34:38 PM
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 3:16:52 AM
I mean, "Spell Damage" directly scales the "Debuff Damage" of "Contagion",
so there is your way to scale it.
I mean, "Spell Damage" directly scales the "Debuff Damage" of "Contagion",
so there is your way to scale it.

And that is WEAK, all the other spell builds have access to CRIT, or access to shock effect/ignite effect to gain an additional multiplier on top of the increased. DoT is literally the only thing on the tree that lacks a secondary multiplier.

Flat increased is only going to go so far and will fail to reach the damage number actually needed for later mapping.
Last edited by doombybbr#6074 on Feb 27, 2025, 4:32:47 PM
I mean, "Spell Damage" directly scales the "Debuff Damage" of "Contagion",
so there is your way to scale it.

And that is WEAK, all the other spell builds have access to CRIT, or access to shock effect/ignite effect to gain an additional multiplier on top of the increased. DoT is literally the only thing on the tree that lacks a secondary multiplier.

Flat increased is only going to go so far and will fail to reach the damage number actually needed for later mapping.

Ehm... you know that DoT's get affected by crits in PoE2, no!?
Yea contagion felt awful to use during leveling.

Either enemies die too fast or it lands on the wrong target or the other enemies block the other dots that are projectiles (not hit scan) and contagion fails to do its job.

Not to mention the awful damage scaling of dots like contagion.

Devs would need to make Contagion have far greater duration and also apply in an AOE upon cast.

Even then it would be tedious AF to constantly reapply Contagion and DoTs on every new trash pack when other specs can just wipe out an entire screen with one spammable spell.
I mean, "Spell Damage" directly scales the "Debuff Damage" of "Contagion",
so there is your way to scale it.

And that is WEAK, all the other spell builds have access to CRIT, or access to shock effect/ignite effect to gain an additional multiplier on top of the increased. DoT is literally the only thing on the tree that lacks a secondary multiplier.

Flat increased is only going to go so far and will fail to reach the damage number actually needed for later mapping.

Ehm... you know that DoT's get affected by crits in PoE2, no!?

they don't, they are not hits

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