Is there a way to disable the change they made to currency exchange yesterday

I believe one of the notes in the patch yesterday was to write in the default ask/sell price in currency exchange for people playing on controller.

This is messing me a up a ton, I do a lot of trading on there and every time the minimum ask price or maximum sell price is fluxuating, it's overwriting the prices I'm entering for my trade either when the min/max prices change or when I flip the trade (to check what the min/max prices are)..

I usually put in orders to sell for a different price than the lowest ask and put in buy orders that are lower than the highest sell price.

I often trade pretty high value items with a wide spread like Azcapa so resetting to the market price all the time can be a huuuge difference.

I've litterally lost a divine + 25 chaos orbs just today from the price resetting automatically as I'm about to enter the trade.

If there is a way to disable this please tell me, if there is not PLEASE look at this in a future update. It's very tilting to just loose a div because the entries you put in are not staying how you wrote them in.
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 3:32:33 PM

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