Trials should have zero loot besides ascendencies
As title states.
Currently the best way of making money is running trials over and over. It's the most boring and tedious thing ever. Fine if I have to run your literal (and I mean this sincerely) DOGSHIT mechanic for ascendancies fine, I'll do it for that. But I'd rather just quit the game and play literally anything else than farm this stupid mechanic as the only legit way of making enough currency for endgame builds. Here I'll give you examples of why this mechanic is DOGSHIT, literal dogshit. -Pausing the game at the start of 90% of trial of chaos attempts. -Really Fuck you for this. If you want friction fart in a bag and then huff it. On your own time, not mine. I can't raise enough middle fingers at you guys for this. Really pathetic. -The stupid ass follow the statue. -Just more boring shit. I have to stand near it and let it move slow so you can show your lame ass metrics to some board full of rich assholes who don't even play the game how "engaged" I am. Fuck you! -All aspects of honor on trial of SuckYMAS. Every single room, every single event is bad. It's all shit. Nothing is good about the trial of suck, in any way. -Literally everything about the trial of suckimas is terrible and unfun for ranged or melee classes. There is nothing even remotely fun about any of the rooms. All you are trying to do is get to the last room or a boss. It's so unfun I would think you at GGG should try and coin the term "AntiFun" for this event. Seriously, you guys hit it out of the park with how fucking boring and dogshit suckymas feels. Amazing job. The friction is real. I don't even pick up the dogshit trial tablets and if I do on accident I destroy them. I really don't care about the 1 fucking gold they give. -Game breaking specific items that drop from the trials of chaos boss. -I have to play your utter dogshit mechanic 3x to get a 30 sec boss fight with a boss that will MAYBE drop something worthwhile every 5 times I see them. FUCKING AMAZING OMG YES I WANT TO SPENT MY ENTIRE SATURDAY FARMING ONE SHIT BOSS WITH THE WORST MECHANICS IN THE GAME TO REACH!!!! PLEASE DO MORE OF THIS!!! OMG YASSSSSSS!!! (sarcasm obviously) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sure I did a pretty shit job explaining why trials suck so badly but I wanted to post my take anyways. Fuck trials. I've put about $200 into this game and gotten 500 hours of gameplay out of it so I feel fine walking away if some major changes don't happen in how to earn currency. I sincerely feel that GGG should remove all loot from trials or simply delete both of them from the game. I will not play this game if that's how I have to make money. Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 11:04:56 PM
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You don't need to do a good job at explaining why the trials suck.
The trials do a good enough job explaining why they suck on their own. Absolute garbage, that's only tolerated in PoE1 because it was actually optional. That said I think the actual solution is the opposite of what you said. Put a bit more loot into it, BUT remove all ascendancies from them. Then it will actually become optional side content. |
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If you put more loot than then have now then mapping will become 100% obsolete which it basically is currently besides mapping to citadels. It's sad tbh. there is no point in juicing maps for any reason. Just run to citadels (juice those) and do chaos trials. That's literally the entirety of the endgame and it feels really, really bad.
If more loot is put behind trials the problem will become only worse. All loot needs to be removed or just get rid of the dogshit trials. It's still EA, these dogshit trials don't need to make it into the final version. |
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