It's literally pathetic that GGG clearly disrespects console once again. PC CAN MOVE AND LOOK AT INVENTORY!! That's ONE of Many reasons NO CONSOLE PLAYER WILL WIN RACE. They can MOVE AND SET HOTKEYS!! They can check Vendors WITHOUT SCROLLING THROUGH EVERYTHING!!! It literally would be EXTREMELY SIMPLE to make it a PC & Console prize pool. Anyone who is PC should feel our pain yet NO ONE SPEAKS UP!! I have 700 hrs in Beta and EASILY could Sub 3 act 3 but MICROMGMT WILL KILL ANY CONSOLE CHANCES & GGG doesn't bat an eye. Console was there main target audience.. Yea main target to MAKE A MOCKERY!!

Last edited by HCSF_MN_651#9070 on Feb 28, 2025, 2:59:31 PM
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 10:41:44 PM

You should split up Console and PC in future races because...

Consoles are for ...
Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Feb 28, 2025, 3:57:46 PM
The race is only relevant to streamers and people who play 8+ hours a day. Most the player base has no chance at winning.

If you're that hardcore of a gamer you should already have a PC
Or give console mouse and keyboard
The race is only relevant to streamers and people who play 8+ hours a day. Most the player base has no chance at winning.

If you're that hardcore of a gamer you should already have a PC

Not wrong.

I did one race in POE1 closed beta, learned from watching Kripp. But the race lasted like 1h30 to get to Act 2.

Here ASSUMING you are pretty good already, you're looking at 4 hours.

This is really disappointing from GGG, almost like an elistist move.

Seriously couldnt they set the race for Act 1 ?

I'd have loved to participate if I have to sit at my PC for less than 2 hours I would have give it a shot.
I mean, its pretty much just GGG giving a gift to Ben.
Its almost as certain as Sonicfox winning Skullgirls or Mortal Kombat.

If you want to pretend that you can win, I won't stop you.
You won't win just because you're on a console.
You won't win because you never had a chance to begin with.

And that's ok! The reason to compete is to compete and seeing how well you can do. I'm happy to enter Fighting game tournaments that I have zero chance of winning.
why are console players playing anything other than single player games?

console is the worst possible way to play any co-op or online game

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