Is POE2 Just POE1?

New player to the series, have a few hundred hours.

Decided to give POE1 a go and figured it would be quite different.
And was like... wait, this seems way toooo familiar, same start, basically same UI....

For people who played POE1, is this what you expected/wanted?
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 7:40:49 PM
To be honest, when I started to play computer games I never expected to be sitting in front of the monitor for the rest of my life.

Neuralink may turn our life into PC gaming but still, it may seem way toooo familiar, same start, basically same UI.

Monitors could have reverted to a "square" shape rather than becoming wider.
Since horizontal gaze shifts rely mostly on eye movement, while vertical ones often involve head motion, a wide screen feels more natural.
Cognitively, we focus on the center and its surroundings, so a square monitor feels more natural, especially when the character is always at the center.

My question is "what is an intuitive UI UX design ?"

Something like "motion tracking" ?
I think similar effects are used in PoE1/2 but in more "natural" manner. (e.g screen shake, flicker strike or "near death" effect)

It's gonna be wild if it's used like when a special screen wide effects, in a tutorial, when "being" stunned or dazed, or while "charging".
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

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Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Mar 1, 2025, 3:36:37 AM
well considering the entire poe2 game was going to be a update for poe1, yes, lol improved mechanics, but your logic is lacking

dont all games work this way? when you playing call of duty, cant you tell what game your playing because the ui is similar to the last 5 games of the franchise :P

why are people so hellbent on changing something that was clearly popular and successfull to be more like its non successfull counter part d4,

all i hear is "make poe2 more like d4" and the question is why, that game sucks.

poe2 is similar to poe1, completely different playstyle and wsad, + skill gems are entirely different which changes the entire core mechancics of the game, what exactly were u expecting a non recognizeable version of it? its poe2, not a seperate franchise ofc its going to look like poe1 >_>

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