Grenadier explosives having way too bright effects.

Various effects are way too overexposed and bright.

For example doing a fire grenadier build makes its difficult to play without getting serious eye strain, especially with AOE and cooldown reduction nodes. I really enjoy these kind of builds with fast map clears but slower single target DPS, this problem makes it hard.

Skills I've seen that do this.

Flash grenade: Using this skill with the grenadier passive nodes makes the screen extremely bright once a second if used.

Cluster grenade: Each initial explosive almost has the visual effect of the flash grenade skill, this makes it especially bad with scattershot.

Explosive grenade: Turns the screen at a location super bright for a split second.

Herald of ice: turns the entire screen white for half a second.

Example video(lvl 86 without a lot of AOE/CD reduction nodes and no anoint):

Possible fixes: Flat brightness decrease on some skills. Skill effect slider. Removing the "Explosion blind allies" part of the flash grenade.

Really like this kind of gameplay, i hope there's a fix other than me just switching away from it.
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 6:38:07 AM

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