"Brother im stuck" problem, when you gonna fix it?

Pretty enjoy new minions, their abilitys and concepts, but problem with minion stuck in close spaces still remain.

I know there was a feedback or newsletter by Devs where was told about improvements in minions walking a few weeks ago, but it still feels like nothing changed.

Minions now stucking even in theirselfs. Especially Brutes.

Lack of minion "phasing" or convocation, makes gameplay as like as boring pain in some "place" half of all time.

Yeah minions - S tier bossers, but it shouldnt be so freaking disgusting to play in close places.
Last edited by TheBoilingMaestro#0325 on Mar 2, 2025, 10:12:29 AM
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 3:02:13 PM
Yeah... I actually don't care how often they change the minion AI, the hitboxes, etc., because the problem is literally not fixable this way.

The only, yes ONLY way to fix this problem would be to add "Convocation" into PoE2. We don't need the "Life Regen" from the Gem in PoE2, just the "teleport minions to your position", that's it.

Then we have actual control over our minions, can play mechanics way better and "unstuck" them ourselves. And controlling minions with the "command" stuff doesn't help either, when they are stuck - they are stuck. Sending them back and forth and back and forth until they can pass is like... bruh... don't create problems that were fixed in PoE1 for years.
Sending them back and forth and back and forth until they can pass is like... bruh... don't create problems that were fixed in PoE1 for years.

I was just surprised when met such hard stuck problem after far early PoE 1 experience in 2014-2016. Simple problem with simple possibility to resolve it and no any actions to make player's life way better after 3 months of PoE 2 early acces and newsletter about minions walking improvements.

Last edited by TheBoilingMaestro#0325 on Mar 3, 2025, 4:19:24 AM

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