Some "educated" content predictions for patch 0.2.0 and beyond

Hey Exiles,

I've had a blast in this first part of the early access, but - like everyone here - I'm hungry for more and can't wait for news from GGG. So when they updated the game in the past weks, from my experience with other games and feeling the game constantly works in the background, I decided to check the game's installation folder and I noticed some folders had "Last changed" dates on Feb 27th, 2025.

Please keep the discussion friendly & civilized ...

Some notes before you continue reading:

I haven't played PoE1 leagues since Delve and it is possible to find mistakes or bad associations among the things I wrote below.

These predictions are based ONLY on "educated" deductions after reading file/folder names in the PoE2 installation folder.

Necromancer ascendancy: Numerous files related to Necromancer skills (e.g., metadata/spells/necromancer_raisezombie, necromancerremakebook, necromancerdetonatedeath)

Raise Spectre: (raise_spectre\shadowcast, raise_specter_stygian) suggest they're coming sooner rather than later.

Weapons: 2H swords, claws, spears (spearwall, basespear, spearthrow, spearupwards), crossbows (crossbow inherent skills ?) and daggers (multistab)

Numerous crossbow files in the animations folder suggest a potential rework of crossbow mechanics or the addition of new skills related to it (I started to write this post yesterday, so this is confirmed by the last teaser).

Huntress class: - only file/folder names

Gladiator (ascendancy or class): - only file/folder names

Returning/Modified League Mechanics/Content:

Possible mechanics from past PoE1 leagues:

Delve: Files related to Delve (e.g., npc\league\delve, terrain\sinkhole, delveminerhideout) suggest the return of Delve mechanics.

Ultimatum: folder with the name "Ultimatum"

Prophecy: file named navalimonkey-content related to Navali ?

Strongboxes Containing Map Bosses: The file alvaonstrongboxescontainingmapbosses suggests a mechanic involving strongboxes and map bosses.

Expedition: (

Blight: (blightbuilderlight)

Perandus: (cadiro)

Heist: (kura)

Betrayal: (betrayalalvaabouteinhar)

Incursion: (alvaonreverseincursion)

New/Modified Content:

Act 4: act_4 named folder, files like bloodpriestmalenoblood, lilyrothscrew/lilycrewmum, forkman_hideoutalt, marakethbirdarmoured_hideout) suggest act4 is coming soon.

Act 5: act_5 folder name with only 1 file named tibbstown content related to Tibbs ?

Dreadnought and Vanguard Arenas: new arena content in Act 2 ? I don't remember an arena in Act 2, but might be wrong.

Tabula Rasa: file named tabularasadrop could mean this popular leveling item is coming.

Character Revival: revival folder - revival on endgame maps ? But as we all know this feature already exists in acts co-op play.

Some new hideouts, more hints on new items (Riujin armour? and lots more)

MTX - lots of pets and skins

Some file names related to breach might hint to changes in breach looting - we all know the Twisted Domain breach drops all loot in the same place, so this feature is already in the game, just needs to be added to other dungeons.

I'd also dare to predict some changes with the map device.

Also, as your hate builds up and you can't contain the urge to destroy this post, please note that I DID NOT:

Modify the game files in any way (just browsing through folders)

Use any 3rd party script or app

Steal any ideas or talk to anyone

Dream about these last night

I DO NOT encourage or recommend such practices.

I am also not retarded, desperate for attention or clicks or affiliated with anyone. I just feel that these finds are worth mentioning as they are files on everyone's PC. You can check them out yourselves, all of them being around Path of Exile 2\Bundles2\Content.

This was initially posted this on Reddit, it got a few upvotes and even a comment in a very short time, and then it was taken off with the message "Post is awaiting moderator approval." . It's been like that for >10h now, with no message from anyone. So I must be on to someething here 😂

Let me know what you think! What are your predictions?

Cheers everyone and remember to come back and say hello if any of these are correct, so I can get my RL prophecy skill points 😂
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 4:24:14 PM
I don't expect much. If they release the game in 2025, it will be a very unfinished game that doesn't even have all the classes. GGG has with me POE 1/2 now created two monsters, which in the worst case scenario eat each other and GGG has to be careful that they don't end up losing both games. I assume there will be very little content in the next few months. They want to deliver for both games and that will ultimately lead to them potentially delivering for neither game. The danger of losing one game or even both is there.
Cullonde#3546 wrote:
I don't expect much. If they release the game in 2025, it will be a very unfinished game that doesn't even have all the classes. GGG has with me POE 1/2 now created two monsters, which in the worst case scenario eat each other and GGG has to be careful that they don't end up losing both games. I assume there will be very little content in the next few months. They want to deliver for both games and that will ultimately lead to them potentially delivering for neither game. The danger of losing one game or even both is there.

I totally agree... I just scouted some clues in the file names.
From my knowledge, when a game goes Early Access it's because the company can't further sustain it's development. The EA supporters basically become paying testers and I think it's a double edged blade.
I mean no company would want the pressure of millions of paying players while developing, especially after they promised so much. And it's just my humble opinion that they should take more advantage of this hunger for more the community has. And one small step towards that has been made with these teasers and increased frequency of game news.

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